
Organ Donation In The United States

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There are more than 120,000 people in the United States that are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant each year. Of that number, many are hoping for one or more of the five organs that can be donated while a person is still alive. Organ donation is the removal of a person’s organ or partial organ, so another person can use it. Donating an organ while alive can save up to eight lives, and it can be done by people donating their organs out of the goodness of their heart. Unfortunately not all organs are donated for the right reasons. Therefore, the selling of organs should continue to be banned in the United States because it would result in health not always being the determining factor.
Wealthy people can already afford to be on multiple …show more content…

This results in no more transplants being done than before. This really means that the poorer people are only put at even more of a disadvantage. It has been proven that paid donation doesn't add to the organ supply. For example, we can look at the situation in Israel. They were paying for their citizens to get a transplant with purchased kidneys in other countries, but when they stopped doing this the supply of organ donations rose dramatically there. A similar situation also occurred in the United States. They gave children more access to kidneys from deceased donors in an attempt to increase the supply for them. This resulted in two problems though- the donations from parents fell, so that left the total supply for children unchanged. This also caused less kidneys available for the adults. When that easier source of organs became available, the problem of "crowding out" arose (Capron and Danovitch [A. 13]). This would be the same thing that would happen if we were to replace donated organs with paid donations. The organ supply wouldn’t actually go up because, as people could pay for them, no one would want to donate to the people that couldn’t afford a …show more content…

citizens should be allowed to be legally paid for the donation of their organs. Less than 17,000 patients, out of the 77,000 Americans on the waiting lists for a kidney, got a transplant in 2012. There were 4,903 patients that died while waiting for a kidney (Linde [17]). This shows that there is a big shortage of organs, but there are other ways to eliminate or at least reduce that problem. For instance, a new algorithm was created that is capable of matching donors to patients who need a kidney efficiently. It was created by Tuomas Sandholm and Avrim Blum, two computer science professors, and David J. Abraham, a graduate student in the computer science department. Sandholm and Pranjal Awasthi, a graduate student in the machine learning department, are working on developing newer versions of the algorithm to better the program. The project has shown that it can work and be effective in the medical community so far. Ten people successfully received transplants through the chain that started using the algorithm, according to the New England Journal of Medicine (The Tartan, Carnegie Mellon University). There are other programs like this that can be used to match patients with organs more efficiently. This could potentially help the organ donation rate rise due to people realizing how efficient the process can

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