
Organizational Cultural Analysis Paper

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Organizational Cultural Analysis Within the business world there is a constant, unrelenting need to adapt to the ever changing environment, standards, and personalities. This continuous need to acclimate has been a key attribute that business professionals have been practicing throughout history; particularly in the last century due to the onset of the industrial age, and even more prevalent within the last two decades as a result of the development of the internet and the burgeoning global economy. During these last twenty years or so there has been a paradigm shift exemplified by how professionals from generation y interact with the previous generations. After carefully analyzing the case study Gen Y in the Workforce (Erickson, 2009), …show more content…

Kurt Lewin, a German-American psychologist postulated a change model in which three steps (Unfreezing, Changing, and Refreezing) should be executed in order to reach a harmonious outcome. Unfreezing is the process of analyzing how the status quo is allowing or producing current behaviors and results, and then considers the implications of changing; it then helps to spur the change or denounce it (Brisson-Banks, 2010). Using the unfreezing step in the case of Sarah and Josh, they must acknowledge that their relationship does not promote a successful working condition. They should sit down and examine what each of their qualms are in regards to the others professional style; and reiterate to each that adapting and compromising is not only in the best interest of the company, but also their respective careers. Moving on to the Change phase of the process; this particular step is where the solutions to issues at hand are derived (Brisson-Banks, 2010). Now that Sarah and Josh have agreed that change needs to be made, they must arrive at conclusions that favor a better working relationship and environment. Regarding Josh’s procrastination and poor quality work, perhaps Josh can make a concerted effort as to not get side tracked, maybe scheduling his breaks more judiciously, and also not waiting till the last minute to complete the assignment. Similarly, Sarah can possibly inform Josh of the assignment a week or two earlier; affording Josh the opportunity to produce a higher quality report. She could even allow Josh to be involved in the presentation itself, explaining to him what they want the end result to be; this could encourage Josh to take a bit pride in his work. In addition, it is always important to praise employees for their work, but at the same time a superior should not dole out praise when an employee

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