
Origin Of Successful Enterprises Can Be Observed Among China Born Immigrants Essay

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Q5: What kinds of successful enterprises can be observed among China-born immigrants in the GTA, and how can these enterprises be described? The types of effective businesses in the study that could be observed among China-born immigrants in the GTA were skilled, specialized or useful and functional personal or home related services and businesses. For instances, the practical and skillful of HAC home services, real estate brokerage, fast printing of Chinese business cards and fast food advertisings, accounting consulting, dating services, immigration consulting, Chinese supermarket, and hair salon. These businesses or services in the study were realistic, workable and valuable to most homes and households or personal applications in GTA. Implication of this finding was that most of these first generation China-born entrepreneur immigrants’ enterprises were small family business or personal skilled trades. They focused on practical and useful home or household and personal businesses which were tied to the challenges of raising funds for startup. These China-born immigrants were new and first generation immigrants in Canada, and they had no families, relatives or networks in GTA (Guo, 2013; P. Li & Li, 2013). As the first generation immigrant entrepreneurs with limited networks and resource, China-born immigrant entrepreneur raised their capital for startup merely from their personal savings or family loans (Azmat, 2013; Guo, 2013). The study findings were consistent

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