
Original Hippocratic Oath

Decent Essays

Upon watching the YouTube video of the original Hippocratic Oath I noticed quite a few things that are still widely practiced around the world today and some that aren’t. It truly humbles me to know that the standard for patient care has always been intended to be morally and ethically high. I know this hasn’t always been the case, but it is nice to know it was always the intention. The normative principles seen in this original oath that are still practiced today fall into the Virtue and Deontological categories.

One thing I noticed to not really be the case anymore is the first part of the oath and that is that the person taking the oath is supposed to hold the person that taught them to the same standard as their parents. They need to …show more content…

Protecting patients from harm is a big one that is obviously still practiced today. A doctor’s number one goal is to keep a patient safe while they are under their care. Another one is only certain people may perform with a knife. I’m not sure if there was a name for surgeons in Hippocrates’ time, but by today’s standards not just any doctor can perform surgery. They must go to additional school for that. The biggest one though has to be don’t talk about what is seen or heard. This concept is so very, very important. As time has progressed we developed HIPAA, which is federal legislation protecting a patient’s right to privacy. HIPAA is very strict and it is very important to maintain …show more content…

It’s so unfortunate that is has to be though. I don’t want to get in a pro-choice versus pro-life debate because we’re not here for that but this really shouldn’t be as controversial as it is. I also think this is the one that has changed the most. While it remains a very controversial topic is has gone from something that was regularly practiced to something that was frowned upon and outlawed, which caused women to begin dying from unsafe procedures they were having, to being legal and federally protected as a right that women have to now being thrown in the congressional fire and used as a tool to control what people do with their bodies. I hope the day comes where this isn’t controversial anymore, but I know that won’t be for a while so I’m interested to see how else this could

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