
Orthodontic Treatment

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Orthodontic experts recommend that children be screened for braces by the time they turn 7. This is the recommended age because the child’s permanent first molars (upper and lower) should already be in: Furthermore, the child’s four front upper and lower incisors may be in or about to erupt. At Pediatric Dentistry of Central Florida, we know the importance of a healthy, vibrant smile. For this reason, our patients receive an orthodontic evaluation at each routine visit.
Issues That May Affect the Teeth and Jaw

Some of the issues that may lead to the need for braces include variances in jaw development and tooth eruption patterns as well as habits like thumb/finger sucking, pacifier use and/or prolonged bottle use.
Oral Health Issues Braces …show more content…

Potential benefits of early treatment include the ability to guide jaw growth, correct oral habits that are harming the teeth, lower the risk of a trauma occurring to protruding front teeth, enhance your child’s smile and improve the function of your child’s bite.

In some cases, early orthodontic treatment may actually prevent a future problem from developing, decrease the amount of time that treatment is necessary when the child is older, make future any treatment less complicated or avoid the need for future treatment altogether. Moreover, there are situations when an orthodontist must address issues as the face and jaws are still forming. With the benefit of early, routine orthodontic evaluations at Pediatric Dentistry of Central Florida, you provide your child with his or her best chance for a healthy, vibrant smile.
Early Treatment is Not Always Necessary

Conversely, there might be problems that early treatment cannot address or a problem that does not warrant immediate treatment. In these cases, orthodontic treatment may be delayed until the child’s permanent teeth have

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