
Osmosis in Potato Tissue

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My objective is to plan and conduct an experiment from which I should be able to draw a firm conclusion that will either prove or disprove any predictions I make. This essay aims to assess and investigate the effect of various solution concentrations on the activity of osmosis in plant tissue.

Background scientific theory:

Plants exchange gases (CO2 and O2) in maintaining vital respiratory processes and in carrying out photosynthesis; they absorb certain minerals and sugars so to use as a source of energy and eradicate wastes in order to maintain specific requirements for survival. Large amounts of water are absorbed by …show more content…

The maximum water potential is nil; an example of which is within pure water hence water molecules will flow from it to any other aqueous solution regardless of how dilute it may be.

There are three possible concentrations of solution. The first, a hypertonic solution, has a higher solute concentration than that of the cell and as a result the water will leave the cell resulting in collapsed vacuoles in plant cells. A hypotonic solution, however, has a lower solute concentration than the solute concentration inside the cell and hence the net movement of water inside the cell is at its maximum. Whilst an isotonic solution is when the concentration of solutes is the same inside the cell as it is outside of the cell; in such as case the cell would not lose nor gain any water. This state is otherwise recognized as dynamic Equilibrium where the molecules are randomly distributed despite there still being a rapid net movement of water across the cell membrane in both directions; water movement in opposing directions occur at the same rate and thereby ‘cancel’ each other out.
Larger differences between the concentrations or water potential of the solutions results in a steeper concentration gradient, meaning a faster rate of osmosis. In effect the concentration outside of any cell is proportional to

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