
Othello Desdemona Quotes Analysis

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Desdemona was a woman who tried to please everyone; he husband, father and town, a few rumor’s ruined everything for her and made her husband lose faith in her and their marriage, in the end, the pain and heartache of Othello lead to Desdemona’s death. Desdemona was nothing but good to Othello, but this goes to show that sometimes even the people closest to you can make you do something you will regret, because of jealousy. Othello realizes in the end that Iago was only doing things out of jealousy and nothing was true but Othello didn’t get to know that until it was too late.
Desdemona tries to please everyone; from her husband, to her father, all the way to the town. In act I scene III (page 43), Desdemona is talking to her father and she says, ”Father, this isn’t easy for me. I’m torn. I owe you respect because you gave me life and education. You’re the one I have to obey. I’m your daughter. But this man here is my husband now, and I owe him just as much as my mother owed you, just as she preferred you to her own father. So I have to give my obedience to the Moor, my husband.” This quote tells the reader that Desdemona loves and respects her father but she feels like she owes her husband more. Desdemona wants to fulfil the position of a perfect wife and daughter but it’s hard for her when her father doesn't want her to do what she’s wanting …show more content…

Everyone expected Desdemona to be perfect and she’s not, let’s face it. She’s human. But Iago was so jealous of Cassio he ruined Desdemona's marriage and ended her life. He was trying to get in the middle of Othello and Cassio’s relationship but he ended up ending Othello’s marriage and ended Desdemona's life; all for the 1ranking of lieutenant that he still did not

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