
Outdoor Education In Delaware Research Paper

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Outdoor Education Programs in Delaware Delaware has two major outdoor education programs that have been serving high school students since the early 1900s. These programs focus on agriculture, animals, and business. The two programs have helped prepare the students with their future careers. The high school students have even said that the programs have influenced them greatly. One student said “...Without it, people wouldn't be as aware of agriculture and the fun things you can be involved in. It helps prepare people who want to go into farming know what to do in their life and how to better manage their farms. People don’t realize that everything they do is involved with agriculture and farming. ("FFA Stories - Iowa FFA Foundation." 2013. by Gwen”) …show more content…

The program 4-H is a farming program that is all around the US. This program teaches Delaware high school students about agriculture and about agrisciences. The 4-H program has multiple different "events" for the students, which allows them to learn much more on and about the animal and culture sciences. The other outdoor education program, FFA, is very similar to 4-H. Both programs also teach the students about business making. The first Delaware 4-H program was organized in 1915 in Kent County by, M. O. Pence, a County Agent. The FFA program was organized in 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri by a group of boys, “..Leslie Applegate, of New Jersey, the national FFA president; Dr. C. H. Lane, national advisor; and Henry Groseclose, executive secretary-treasurer...he is credited with giving the FFA its name. He is known as the Father of the FFA” ("A History of the FFA." 2008 Josh Taylor

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