
Outdoor Education Should Be Allowed In Schools

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I believe that adams 12 should bring back outdoor ed and sports because kids where and parents in the future will probably look forward to it and then they find out that they don't have anymore. They also should allow because it makes kids be more fat because they aren't getting enough exercise.It promotes obesity when they don't have sports at school because they waren't getting enough exercise a day.Kids are also thinking school isnt fun when no sports involved in there life. I will talk to the adams 12 superintendent about bringing back for students health and show evidence of kids getting bigger because they aren't getting enough exercise.If he says no then I'll #nomoreoutdoored at adams 12 and see how people react. Tell them to send emails …show more content…

Service-learning programs offered by PLT and other EE organizations provide students and teachers with support through grants and other resources for action projects.” When you build knowledge there wouldn't be as much car crashes because people will have common sense. When people have common sense in this world less crimes happen because they know it's wrong.” EE gets students outside and active, and helps address some of the health issues we are seeing in children today, such as obesity, attention deficit disorders, and depression. Good nutrition is often emphasized through EE and stress is reduced due to increased time spent in nature.” You can also incorporate health and get healthier because there's not just a mcdonalds in the mountains kids can get better at eating in nature.

Disadvantages of bringing back outdoor ed would be… When you rely on just private funding not a lot of people want to pay for a school that doesn't want to spend there five star money on it. This is a lot of money that adams 12 doesn't want to spend their money on kids learning and making the world better in economy. If adams 12 is willing to spend money on kids getting great education that incorporates all the curriculums from actual

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