Topic: Gender Identity and Bathroom Choice
Thesis Statement: Gender identity should not allow people to choose which bathroom they go into because it intrudes on the privacy of other people, it desensitizes children, and increases the chance for a sexual predator to intrude on an individual.
Outline Pattern: Refutation
I. Introduction
A. I will first show a picture of a three different logos for restroom signs to gain attention and slowly foreshadow to the audience what my topic is and ask the question, “What do each of these mean”.
B. My family has owned a swimming school in Tulsa for the past 22 years where young children can easily be influenced by the people around them or teaching them and what they see and here in the locker room.
C. Today
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II. Body
A. Myth 1: A common misconception is that only transgender people will go into the bathroom of their choice.
1. Only true transgender people will use the privilege of gender neutrality in the bathrooms. (“No, Transgender Protections Do Not Justify Men In Women's Restrooms”, 2016)
2. People should get to use whatever restroom that makes them feel comfortable. (“Gender Neutral Bathrooms”, 2016)
Transition to point B: I agree that thousands of people in the united states view themselves as a different sex but that does not keep people of biological gender out of the restrooms in public places making it easy to intrude on
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Allowing children to see people dressed as a different gender allows them to think it is OK to break the laws of nature and dress as a different sex.
3. A transgender individual could cause a child to be curious and look through a stall making them then see a man with female genitalia and or a woman with male genitalia.
4. Children who see a transgendered individual are more likely to be affected socially due to the abnormality of the situation. (Sorry Children of America…,2016)
Transition to point E: Therefore, locker rooms where children are present or bathrooms with children present should be kept from having transgender people so that children will grow up with a clear perspective of a man and woman.
E. Finally, we see how this law to allow transgender people in the restrooms has also allowed for sexual predators to intrude on people and the rate at which a male goes into a bathroom as a female has increased.
1. Since the making of this bill there has been a rise in perverted activity allowing more men to go into the women’s restroom with the excuse that they feel they are a woman. (No, Transgender protections…,
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Most don’t explicitly look into the complexity of a transgender person’s life and all the questions or problems one might face: Do I use the men’s or the women’s bathroom? Is it appropriate to use this locker room? Those are only two of the many questions a transgender person might run into on a daily basis because of how others would see the situation, how the people who may have a sneaking suspicion that the woman they saw go into the ladies’ bathroom isn’t actually female by their definition, or how it could also seem strange to see that same person go into the mens’ bathroom. These all lead to dysphoria in any person’s situation in public places due to the fact that many choose to taunt or mock the person; however, with the help of Title IX these questions could start to vanish from the thoughts of many transgender students which Blad exemplifies with a quote in her article:
A long side sports there is also another controversy with transgender rights. There are boy’s bathrooms and girl’s bathrooms, but girls are wanting to use boys and the other way around. Many stores such as Target, Starbucks, and many more have just gotten rid of assigned bathrooms all together. In most cases it is still not enough, many transgender rights activist want it want
More and more kids and teens are realizing that, they are not who they want to be. Meaning that, they want to, or have already changed their gender identity. This doesn’t seem like the problem, but these kids, teens, and even adults don't have the rights we have on a regular daily bases. According to Discovery Education, it says that, these kids and teens aren’t allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they choose to be. This is a big problem throughout the United States, especially in elementary, middle, and high schools. The government also took away the law stating that transgender people, are to use
Some people may be confused as to why gender neutral bathrooms are a controversy. This controversy stems from the trans* rights movement’s desire for safety and acceptance. Trans*, short for transgender, is an umbrella term that is used to describe people who identify as a gender they were not assigned at birth, this includes female to male, male to female, agender, and non-binary individuals while cisgender, cis for short, is used to describe someone who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth. Some trans* individuals many pass as their identified gender and face harassment in the restroom if they are outed as trans*, likewise some trans* individuals do not pass or have not
Imagine walking into a public bathroom and feeling not wanted by the people you call your own because of what you identify yourself as. This has now become a big controversy political debate over whether or not there should be gender neutral bathrooms in public places. This means that the “0.6% percent of U.S. adults who identify as transgender” will have their own restrooms. A number of people have expressed their concerns on the issues of this topic and the three main questions that remained is: “should transgender people use the restroom where they feel most comfortable in? and is it discrimination if they are forced to do otherwise?” “and should
Some in favor of transgender bathrooms claim that anyone can be anything they want. Although this is true, you can’t just eat someone because you think you are a lion, and the same goes with gender. Olipocket on argued, “If you have a penis, regardless of what you look like on the outside, then you need to use the men's room. If you have a vagina, regardless of what you look like on the outside, then you need to use the women's room.” This proves that no matter who you think you are, it can’t top who you really are. If you are really a man then you use the men’s bathroom. It’s that simple. Not only is this common sense, it also protects people’s privacy. Women don’t want men looking at them in the bathroom. So, in order to avoid complexity in the laws, if you have male parts, you go in the men’s and same with women. Next, Dann states, “The transgendered person however is NOT a woman, and unfortunately never will be. They have created their own artificial gender - Transgender. They still possess an Adam's apple. They still possess other immutable male qualities too. Although they may see themselves as women, the rest of the world and, most importantly, those who they will be allowed to share that most private of places, the bathroom, with, won’t see them as such.” Even transgender women are artificial. They aren’t real. Even if they have a fake vagina,
The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender) community does not only face adversity in the public's eyes, but also at places where you should feel the most welcomed like home and school. Not only is having interest in the same sex becoming an issue for some, but also having legal procedures that allow you to openly express who you are as a person. Rather it's being born a male with females intentions or vice versa, this has became a public issue made towards both male and females in public restrooms. Discussions between states, former President Obama, current President Trump, school systems and people concerned about inequalities, have debated that it would be best for everyone to use the restroom according to gender at birth, meanwhile,
The largest rainforest in the world is being deforested with little opposition. It is a rainforest that humans have been benefiting from for hundreds of years. Notably, this rainforest is the Amazon, and many people ignore the destruction happening in there and do not realize that thousands of acres of land have been deforested. On the other hand, they are clearing these areas to gain significant resources such as diamonds, gold, lumber and medicinal plants. For these reasons, a controversy over the deforestation in the Amazon has arisen. Although the deforestation has provided valuable natural resources businesses in the forested regions, the removal of the Amazon rainforest is detrimental to its biodiversity because it creates a dysfunctional habitat.
Throughout time, men and women have used restrooms according to their respective sex. Females go through the door with a picture of a person resembling a woman and males go through the door with a picture of a person resembling a man. Now, as people are more willing to express themselves by living a certain lifestyle, such as being a transgender person, going to public restrooms has become more complicated. There are some people who believe that transgender people should not use restrooms if they are not their assigned biological sex. By creating gender-neutral restrooms, people do not have to feel discriminated or harassed if they are denied access to the restroom. If people are uncomfortable, using a gender-neutral restroom creates a safe space of no-judgement. Anyone can benefit from using this restroom, if they have children of another gender or people who
This relates because many people feel that this topic is segregation and that the transgender people feel they are being segregated from the rest of society, like when black people didn't have the same rights and had to use separate bathrooms, schools and other facilities. I feel that they should be able to use the bathrooms they gender identify as. I think it is okay as long as they have fully transitioned because you can't have a man or a woman just say they feel like being the opposite gender today just so they go go in the opposite gender's bathroom. I think it would be best for the safety of others. There are also many younger transgender people who are probably already confused and this added on top of that does not help. If you were a little boys mother and they fully transitioned to a girl, would you want them going into a men's
People who are transgender face high risks of being harassed in public spaces, specifically in restrooms. According to data from the 2015 U.S Transgender Survey on restroom experiences, 59% of respondents refrained from using public restrooms to avoid conflict and possible confrontations, 12% were verbally harassed, 9% were denied access, and up to 2% were sexually or physically assaulted. One-third of those surveyed also reported limiting their eating and drinking so they could avoid public restrooms altogether. Restrooms are already an unsafe, unjust, and uncomfortable space for many transgender Americans. Therefore, stripping them of laws protecting their basic civil rights will only place them in more unnecessary danger.
A man stands in front of two bathroom signs, contemplating door which to enter: use the bathroom of the gender to which he does not identify, (consequently feeling safer) or use the bathroom for the gender he identifies as but risk getting kicked out or even assaulted? Fearing the repercussions the man enters the toilet labelled male, praying the stalls are empty. This is an example of what a transgender individual undergoes every day, just to accomplish something most people take for granted. The Oxford English dictionary defines transgender as: “Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.” Inversely, a cis-gender individual’s gender identity and birth sex do correspond.
Do you know what it’s like to be trapped inside of a body where you can not love yourself? Would you have your body destroyed in order to feel comfortable again? Transgender people are forced to do this everyday in order to feel accepted, but even still they are discriminated. There are two sides of this issue: Some people agree that if you have male genitals, you have to use the men's room. Others disagree and feel that if the person is represented as a female (looks like a female, sounds like a female, etc.) and that they are a female, then they should be allowed to use the girl’s room. While some believe that transgender people should use the bathroom of their biological sex, it is obvious that they should be free to use the bathroom of