
Outside Forces In Lord Of The Flies Essay

Decent Essays

Outside forces tend to be seen as influences on personality. They see characters as something that is decided on by the actions of peers. However the reality is that many people live the same lifestyle and develop different characteristics. On the contrary, someone who has a good reputation can be influenced to make bad choices. For the truth is that there are many good reasons to believe that you choose your own character. Perhaps one of the best examples are twins, who go through similar surroundings and still have their own unique character. In this essay, then, closely examine how you choose your own character as compared to your character being formed by outside forces will show you that no matter what you’re surrounded by, you choose who you define as. …show more content…

For example, these beliefs are shown throughout William Golding’s Lord of the Flies. A group of boys are on a island alone and they plan on having rules to create order again. Then when human nature comes out some of the boys, for example Ralph, turn savage. This is caused by the lack of adults and the impact of their surroundings. Although they let the inhumane nature go when there was no one stopping them. Outside forces continue to shape people, but character can be changed by one's actions. Your character is entirely what you set it out for it to be because when things are challenging it’s your choice on what you do with the outcome. People can build themselves into a better positive person or be affected in negative ways. I believe that people control over who they become and let every single choice will reflect on your character. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby invented his own character. Gatsby’s main conflict is that in order to win the affections of old money Daisy Buchanan he gained a great amount of money, but his unknown past stands in the way of him

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