
Overconsumption in America Essay

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According to our reader, "there seems to be an inverse relationship between GDP and the quality of life. The more GDP grows, the more the quality of life deteriorates. This made me think about how much Americans waste food and natural resources. For example, FOX had a show, where people tried to out eat each other. The glutton and wastefulness was appalling, and at the same time, entertaining to some.
There's an epidemic sweeping the country. It's not your typical virus, but rather a /highly contagious disease of epidemic overconsumption, and the symptoms include compulsive shopping, high debt, overwork, inability to delay gratification, a sense of entitlement, …show more content…

Even that has changed. in class, the subject of SUV's has been discussed. Even if
Americans have changed to more gas-efficient cars, this trend is changing. Who would have thought in these delicate environmental times that the public could be sold a popular mode of transport. On the news recently, it was stated that SUV's use one-third more fuel and creates 75 per cent more pollution than ordinary cars? And who would have guessed that the average fuel efficiency of US cars in the year 2001 would be less than in the hog-car days of the 1950s and 1960s? Environmentalists have calculated that the SUV fad has caused Americans to waste 70 billion gallons of gasoline in the past 10 years - an immense price for an outdoorsy image. What is absurd, is that the majority of SUV's are in big cities - not in the country, where SUV's can be useful. But, SUV's are not the culprit. We all hear it, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Just like this, people waste energy, and we should be responsible for the power we use. After doing a lot of web surfing, these are a few of the statistics that i was able to find. These statistics are important to find and use, because if we do not understand/know the depth of the problem, individuals will not want to make changes in our affluenza.

Americans consume more materials and energy per person than any other

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