
Overpopulation Is A Social Science

Satisfactory Essays

Caloia, Angela
Geography 9
February 9 2016 Overpopulation is Overhyped
Overpopulation has made headlines through the decades, advertised as one of the most pressing global issues future generations will have to confront, scientists stating that we as humans are undermining the life support system that sustains up. This, however, is untrue. Overpopulation defines a situation where the number of people exhaust the resources such that it can no longer support that population. Due to this, there is sufficient evidence to support the claim that overpopulation is not the pressing problem it has been chalked up to be. Whereas many scientists have been confronting it with a purely mathematical or biological perspective, trained to believe that there is a fixed limit for the earth’s human carrying capacity, there is in fact a whole other side to the argument. As Erle C. Ellis of the New York Times states, “the science of human sustenance is a social science, we are nothing like bacteria in a petri-dish; we transform ecosystems, and the environment will be what we make it.” Therefore, overpopulation is a problem to a small extent due to the declining rates of growth, accessibility to necessary resources, and ability humans have to adapt and evolve based upon the circumstances.
Overpopulation is a problem to a limited extent due to the current and predicted growth rates of of population. 225 births occur per minute, amounting to an

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