
PSY 270 Week 1 Assignment

Decent Essays

First, I would like to apologize for the noise level that came from our room and not respecting the housing policies that are set up for the students to follow. The way we behaved that day was incorrect because we were loud and affected the flow of Floor 12. Noise can be very distracting especially if someone wants to study, sleep, read, do homework, and do a project or anything else. I personally have experienced noise as a distraction and I would never intentionally try to distract someone from doing what they want buy making it hard for them to focus because of my noise.

My behavior that night disrupted the floor and probably some students studying, I should have never surprised my guest out in the hallway. Although many of my floor mates were in the lounge playing with our RA. Other students could have been sleeping or trying to have quiet time. This could have affected peoples’ sleep and caused many headaches. I indirectly disrespected my floor mates because my friend yelled at my RA. My friend yelled at my RA, but no time in that exchange did she curse at her or anyone else on the floor.
Yelling and other forms of noise is disrespectful because it means that the person doing the yelling has no regard for …show more content…

Some may find it okay to start being loud although the floor is naturally loud. I realize that the floor shouldn’t have a bad reputation for being loud and causing disturbances. Because of this I will try to limit the noise I make to maintain the reputation and integrity of the floor. I have learned my lesson, and I can assure myself and everyone that it will not happen again. It is not my desire or intention to cause chaos on the floor. I hope that after this incident, there will no longer be any reports, accusations, or loud nights on the floor. I have acknowledged my faults and I am currently practicing strategies to control the level of noise that I, my roommate and my guests

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