
Pablo Borau Research Paper

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Joan of Arc once said, “One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it.” Though over 500 years have passed since these words have been said, they still ring true in our hectic lives. My grandfather, Pablo Borau, lived by those simple words and taught us to do the same. He was thirsty for knowledge and lived each day as if it were his last. Pablo handed down family stories, recipes, and traditions that taught us to be proud of our ancestry, and appreciate our ethnicity. He taught me to enjoy life and savor every second.
Pablo grew up in a 3 story townhouse, which had been in the family for generations, with his two sisters, Pilar and Rosario, and his brother, Victorian. At a young age, Pablo was sent to a seminary to become a priest and graduated, but decided that he wanted more out of life. After moving to the US, Pablo went to school in New York City and later …show more content…

He taught history and kept a large collection of history books at home, from Egyptian history to Babylonian history. Later, he taught his children and grandchildren the traditions, language, and culture of Spain.

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