
Pablo Neruda Persona Persona

Decent Essays

In the world of flux where identity is transformed and transfixed in such a way that one has quest for one’s identity. Man is a combination of complex selves that he folds and unfolds time to time. In the quest for identity, memory plays a vital role as it assimilates past experiences and reevaluates identity and present scenario. For Pablo Neruda, a Chilean Poet and Diplomat, identity is a constant periphery which circles around his multiple selves. Born and brought up in a small village of Chile, Neruda is passionate about Nature, places and people. Inexhaustible traveler and incessant acquaintance with the different people creates a deep influence on his creative writing. The range of Neruda’s poems indicates clearly that the poet persona …show more content…

As far as people are concerned, particularly family members and friends Neruda is deeply attached with them especially, to his mother, though she is a step-mother, still Neruda remembers and longs for her as she plays a definitive role to build-up his specific identity in his childhood days. The poet Persona writes in his poem ‘The More-Mother’ in his book Isla Negra: my more-mother, Dona Trinidad …show more content…

Neruda never realizes the loss of his real mother. The poet reminds his Mother’s surging household works of feeding bread to all and giving warmth in winter to handle leaky terrace of the house in a rainy season. She performs all her duties silently and submissively as a country woman of that time. Mother’s genial nature and selflessness creates imperishable memories and space in the poet’s mind that it is impossible for him to forget her mother for a moment. Even so the poet is not sharing any genealogical or biological identity with his stepmother still; he is carrying her traces and sharing his surname of real mother. As Dominic Moran writes in his book Pablo Neruda Critical Lives in the first chapter ‘From the Frontier to the

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