
Essay about Pablo Picasso

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Every artist has his or her own style of painting. Each painting tells some sort of story or has some type of personal meaning to the artist. One of the most important figures in modern art is Pablo Picasso. Not only was Pablo Picasso a genius in the field of abstract art, but he also experimented with sculpting and ceramics. Pablo Picasso has taken the world to many places with his unique style of work which is why I believe he is considered to be a genius of the 20th century.
Pablo Picasso, born Pablo Ruiz, was destined to become an artist at a very young age. Born in Malaga, Spain on October 15, 1881, the young artist began to follow in the footsteps of Jose Ruiz Blasco—his father. Many say that Picasso's love for art was …show more content…

However, Picasso made it evident that he was a gifted artist when he introduced the world to his own style of painting during what was known as "Picasso's Blue Period." The Blue Period marked a time in Picasso's career from 1901-1904 that defined the different real-life experiences that he had been exposed to throughout his life. It is rumored that Picasso's blue period began briefly after the death of a close friend, and the blue tones were used to reflect his feelings of bleakness during that time (GME, 1996). Most of his paintings during the blue period consisted of blind, impoverished, despaired people, and the paintings were done mostly in blue tones. One of the most famous pieces created during the period was called "The Old Guitarist," which depicts a saddened, blind, old man holding his guitar. In 1905 after his blue period, Picasso's subject matter and color schemes that he used for his paintings began to change. From 1905-1906, Picasso developed the "Rose Period." Now instead of painting depressing figures with blue dull color tones, he began to paint circus people acrobats, and harlequin figures using pink and other earth tone colors (Gerten, n.d.). The rumor for this period is that Picasso began to brighten his colors and themes after he fell in love. A famous piece from his Rose period is called "Boy with Pipe." The painting features a young boy holding a pipe with a flower

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