
Pablo Picasso Research Paper

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His life began on October 25, 1881 and ended on April 8, 1973. Between these two dates lie extraordinary new beginnings interlaced within time. Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain, from which his true talent arises from his creative upbringing. Picasso was not the only painter in his family. His father was a painter, too, which allowed Picasso to explore his abilities as a potential artist at a young age. Picasso was destined to be an artist before he could speak real words because his mother recalls hearing Picasso say “piz”, a shortened version of pencil in spanish just as a baby.

Picasso’s father would become his first teacher before the age of 11, which he was then formally studying. He was given the best education his family could afford …show more content…

This was his melancholic period. It is believed that this period begun as a result of a suicide committed by one of his close friends, although most of the paintings were of people he saw in the streets. This style consisted of dark colors such as dark blue tones, grey, and sorrowful tints. His works in this period will show how he is dealing with events in his life that aren’t so bright and welcoming. Eventually, in 1904, his palette lightened. This was the Rose Period. During these years, Picasso was happy in his relationship with Fernande Olivier whom he had met in 1904. Picasso's work regains its romantic character in a couple of paintings in warmer colors, many of them in the colors red and pink, hinting the “rose” period. His color palette will continue to change throughout his emotional ups and downs. Picasso had mainly 3 styles: Cubism, Symbolism, and Surrealism. His first style, cubism was developed by Pablo Picasso between 1907-1911.This classic phase has two stages. Analytic is when forms seem to be 'analyzed' and fragmented, while synthetic, in which materials such as newspaper and wood veneer are collaged to the surface of the canvas. The second

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