As a person I personally do not mind paying more taxes as long as it actually went to people who are in need of assistance. I understand that there are people in our society struggling and I believe they should have access to programs that could help the better themselves. The system in which people are picked for the program is flawed because it can easily be tricked which is how people who do not need the assistance can get in the programs. In class I was shocked to learn that paid maternity leave is not a common practice in the United States. I thought that paid maternity leave was a mandatory practice we already have so many programs but in place so I assumed that it would be common sense to have this in place . The instructor informed
The development of policy changes that support fathers increased participation in family life will be a significant social development of the twenty first century (Brien, 2013). Policy development is heavily influenced by the government’s ideology, lobbying of special interest groups, economic viability, community attitudes, current trends (McClelland & Smyth, 2014), societal norms and culture (Cameron and Moss, 2007). Often, as seen in Australia’s current policy the government focuses on developments targeted at providing support for the main carer, frequently the mother, while the main breadwinner, frequently the fathers, are left out of policy development (Finch, 2006). It has been argued by some that if paid parental leave is not taken
Paid maternity leave protects families from financial stress and bombardment. Per the Washington Post in the article “Defending Paid Parental leave” on September 2, 2009, “One of the side effects of the bad economy is that good ideas that sound expensive begin getting ignored. Take paid parental leave. Making sure that parents can afford to take time off to have a baby is a good idea on a number of fronts. It protects families from the choice of financial calamity or time with a newborn.”
First, there are many negative aspects about taxes. According to my mom taxes take away money that you are living on. Taxes cause you to lose more money every year. The taxes rob people of their money. Many people should be able to have a choice on what they should spend their money on.
America being one the most industrialized nations it is shocking to most to discover that it does not provide a more beneficial maternity leave when compared to its European counterparts. Not only is Europe leading the way for a lengthier leave of absence for new mothers, they also provide financial benefits to those families with newborns, to American society this is not considered a cultural norm, in fact it is even bizarre to some that having a child while in the work force would even be beneficial. Consequently, the difficulty in accessing a reasonable maternity leave in America creates long term effects on a child’s development.
Miller opens the discussion on the campaign issue of paid leave by comparing the views of both parties and how they are looking into policies that will address challenges for working families, lifting middle class standards, and appeal to female workers. Democratic candidates Hillary Rodham Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, have proposed paid leave and their approach requires the government to operate a paid leave program while Marco Rubio, a republican candidate, advocates giving tax incentives so businesses would offer it. Rubio's plan provides a 25% tax credit to employers. Miller argues that Rubio's plan won't work because similar government sponsored programs have exhibited little change and it is unlikely to encourage employers who don't offer paid
There is a correlation between postpartum and physiological and psychological health issues (Chatterji, 2004). Studies also found that inadequate time away from work after giving birth spurs postpartum therefore, paid maternity leave needs to be addressed to alleviate these results since recent mothers with limited financial resources tend to return to work sooner than they should. Also, it is difficult for working mothers to juggle a demanding work environment while caring for an infant at home. The stress of trying to balance the two has shown to weaken the immune system which causes other health problems down the road. According to Chatterji, returning to work too early also comes with consequences including numerous psychological conditions but most particularly depression. Chatterji also states that these negative symptoms can be reduced incrementally by increasing the time of maternity leave.
The lack of a paid parental leave law in the country does not necessarily mean that it is absent in the U.S. labor market. Some generous and more progressive companies do recognize the importance of the leave to employees and do offer it. According to the Employee Benefits Survey of 2015, 21% of employers nationally offer some paid maternity leave while 17% offer some paid paternity/adoption leave. However, about a fifth don’t have any kind of protected maternity, paternity, or adoptive leave. (Ray, 8; Time, n. pag.)
Pregnancy and early child development is a fundamental aspect of human society, and is pertinent to the development of a successfully functioning community. The developmental and social progress of any civilization relies on children, as they will compose the future working population. Therefore, a mother or father’s involvement in the child’s development is of extreme importance, which is why family leave has been implemented all over the world. Family leave refers to the period of time granted to the employee to care for their newborn child. As communities evolve economically, financial stability is necessary, for what is perceived to be socially successful for a child’s development, which is why paid family leave is popular throughout the world’s nations. However, ABC News reports that “the U.S. is only one of three countries in the world that don't offer paid maternity leave” (Kim, 2015); the same is true for paternity leave. The United States government has an interesting track record dealing with family leave, but in order to analyze what the US government and advocacy groups have done to solve this issue, there first needs to be an understanding on why this issue is so difficult to resolve. The arguments that support and oppose paid family leave in the United States are equally valid, therefore causing a stalemate in the attempted policy making of legislative bodies.
According to Donald R. Richberg “The introductory program for a welfare state which the president brought forward this year will add another 25 billion dollars to the national expenditures. Estimated to be $166 tax per every man, woman and child. ” Thats a pretty large tax according to Donald R. Richberg and he's been stuck on the topic for years and has written a book about welfare about how welfare has cost the United States average of 3.7 trillion dollars a year. “On average an American tax payer pays “the people” an average of $8,500 a year, on average in the United States the average person earns about $26,000 a year so by taking $8,000 dollars a year it hurts the people and it angers them.” (Robert Rector). People like Robert Rector all across america have been complaining about the exertion of more taxes for the people whom are abusing it like Cherlyndra Wells. Cherlyndra Wells is 21, was just the kind of welfare recipient who sets critics of welfare programs off on a rant. A single mother of four from Dallas, she left school in the ninth grade and started having children. Rather than work or marry a man who did, she relied on welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. “The tough 1996 welfare-reform law spelled out in clear terms what it wanted Wells and others like her to do in the future...get a job.” (Hylton Hilary) But when the Government stepped in to fix the problem they enforced new rules. Under the
Every single person should be aware of its rights and benefits as a worker in a company. A benefit that commonly women get is, “Maternity leave,” or “Family leave.” This an principally significant topic, since in some companies, and corporations this right is not truly respected, and some employees don’t know how to fight for their privileges.
While on maternity leave I would take advantage of being home by preparing myself for this exam. Every month I went to the center where I had a good relationship with the trainer to get the monthly training policies and procedures that could possibly be asked on the examination.
As women knowing your maternity leave rights and laws is something that is fundamental and worth acknowledging. Many jobs here in the United States do not take this topic serious which could affect the stability of coworkers and final outcome. Mothers and daughters are in need of being able to leave their place of work to rest and take care of them selves for the upcoming birth of their children. In this proposal I am asking for your consideration of changing the law and fro you to use your powers to appeal to our legislators on the cause of mothers rights in the workforce. In the United States there no laws pertaining to paid benefits for expecting mothers when it comes to women in the workforce. You can take only two stances on the current issue at hand which is to fight for our rights and let women receive paycheck when they are tending to their doctor’s orders and resting for one of the biggest and most grueling times in their lives or you can say that women who become pregnant while on job do not deserve the right to perform the natural God given act of giving life. I hope after you here my proposal you will chose what would better mankind and protect the brave women of our nation to decide to bring a life into this world.
A mere 12 weeks is the amount of unpaid maternity leave promised to working mothers under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in America. Although many mothers-to-be gladly take the dozen weeks off, American families are at a disadvantage compared to other families around the globe. The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not guarantee or even offer paid maternity leave for working mothers; employers decide whether to provide paid leave for mothers. In the last few decades, more women have traded their aprons for briefcases. However, working women in the United States must choose to raise families while keeping their jobs. Currently, women in the United States must choose between their kids or their career. Mothers who decide to have families must stay at home with a new baby with no guarantee of a paycheck. New mothers should be guaranteed six months of fully paid maternity leave in the United States because they need to restore their health, paid leave helps the economy, and it promotes better health of the baby.
So, going back to the question on whether or not the United States will ever offer parental leaves for all parents? Based on readings and sources that I gathered, I think it will take a long time for all companies located in each 50 states of the United States finally agree upon a 100% parental leave with pay. As of today, US is the only developed country that doesn’t offer maternity leave. How can that
Despite the advantages of paid parental leave, the United States trails behind other developed countries in guaranteeing these options. In fact, America is currently “one of the only two nations (the other being Papua New Guinea) that do not guarantee paid maternity leave to new mothers” (Baum II and Ruhm 333). Last year, according to the Pew Research Center, only fourteen percent of workers had access to paid family leave (Desilver). Instead of choosing to extend paid leave for their employees, many American businesses opt to offer unpaid family leave that is available to almost ninety