
Paleoclimate Data

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Is the atmosphere of our planet warming consistently, and at a more rapid pace than ever before, and is it being caused by human consumption? This question is the basis for the dispute on Global warming. It is this century’s largest debate. There are scientists, politicians, and civilians on both sides of the debate. Scientists have determined that the Earth has cooled off and warmed up several times over its long history. I do not believe that a reasonable person would deny that there is the potential for the Earth to repeat this pattern at some point in the future. The real point of contention is then in reference to the cause. Some scientists believe they have found a correlation between an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere …show more content…

Any good pediatrician will tell you that a mild fever is the body’s way of healing itself. You shouldn’t rush in with Tylenol to lower a fever of one hundred degrees Fahrenheit or less. If our bodies work this way who is say that the Earth isn’t operating on a similar system? Scientists began to search for additional information, older information, which would lend credence to their theory. This information is known as proxy data. Proxy data exists in tree rings, ice cores, sediment cores, historical data, fossilized pollen, and coral (i). This data is not a direct indication of carbon dioxide or temperature, but a study of elements that have existed on our planet long before the wide usage of instruments to record information. Utilizing a variety of statistical means to arrive at their conclusions scientists compiled this information in support of the theory of climate change. Ice that has been drilled out of the depths of Antarctica and Green land can date back 800,000 years. The air bubbles found here show an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. The graph below compares the levels of carbon dioxide and the estimated temperatures gathered from the proxy data of the ice core. The statistical manipulation indicates that in 8000,000 years the Earth has never seen the levels of carbon dioxide

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