
Paper Airplane

Decent Essays

What types of supplies did you need to make the variety of paper airplanes?
The types of supplies I used to aid in the making of the paper airplanes were some tape, staples, paper clips, paper, staples, and scissors. The staples, tape, and paper clips were for keeping the paper airplanes together and intact when flying the plane. The paper was used for obviously making the planes because that was the material we used to make paper airplane. The scissors were used for used in constructing different two types of planes and to make modifications.
The Supersonic plane was the first paper airplane you made for this project. This plane is compared to the Concorde SST which is a passenger jet. Explain the design of the plane and best way for a successful flight?
The Supersonic planes design was successful in its flying abilities because of the shape of the plane made it …show more content…

Another way u could do this is having the wings proportionate to the body size. To add flaps on the wings so you can make it fly different directions and different speeds.

What is the importance of a keel of a paper plane to help fly it? Explain which type of plane you feel would be the best to fly, one with or without a keel?
The importance of the keel is to help the planes fly smoother and straighter because of the design of it. The planes that it would work the best in are darts, because darts lay long distances and to do this they need to fly straight and fast so keels would be good for this type. Planes that this would not work for would be gliders because gliders get carried by the air, so you cannot throw the plane you more or less drop it.

When you did your cutout plane, explain what was the most frustrating part? What did you do to overcome your frustration? If there was a next time, what do

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