
Paper On Medical Marijuana

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Charlotte was 3 months old when the first one struck. The second came just a week later. By 6 months they sent her to the hospital repeatedly. In a frantic search to find what was wrong with their baby girl, her parents Matt and Paige had “a million-dollar work-up” done which consisted of an MRI, EEG, and spinal tap. The results? Nothing. Charlotte’s blood tests and scans were all normal. “It’s probably going to go away,” they said. The family was sent home, but the seizures remained relentless.

By this time, Charlotte, age 2, began “slipping away”. The 7 drugs she was on, combined with the seizures that still struck were taking a toll. The family was quickly running out of options.

Finally, at age 2 ½, Charlotte was diagnosed with …show more content…

This story was derived from CNN.

Now the question arises; why isn’t this treatment a viable option for everyone in the United States?

Some worry about the side effects. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) argues, “Marijuana smoke, like tobacco smoke, is an irritant to the throat and lungs and can cause a heavy cough during use. It also contains toxic gases and particles that can damage the lungs”. Although this is true, smoking the drug isn’t the only way of consumption. Vaporization, oil, tinctures and tonics, and butter/cooking oil are some of the different ways to consume it.

Others are concerned about addiction. The NIDA explains addiction is the use of any substance which interferes with many aspects of a person’s life but the person continues to use it. Marijuana use can result in dependence when used in large amounts and/or used over a long period of time. Severe cases of dependence result in addiction but are only a small portion of marijuana users. Addiction is possible but not probable.

A Better Alternative
Marijuana as a medication is legal in 29 states and Washington DC ( Of that, most states list chronic or severe pain as a qualifying condition for the drug. Arguably the most popular medication for treating chronic pain is oxycodone (brand name OxyContin).

Not all pills are created equal: opioids like OxyContin are highly addictive and easily overdosed | Image

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