
Paragraph 8 Of Constitution And Its Effect On The Economy

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The Article 1, section 8 of Constitution has highly increased the power of congress. Though the clause 1, the first power given to congress by the Constitution is the power to tax, and Congress also has the power to levy tariffs but it’s not allowed to charge more for imports into one state than into another. Then congress control the nation’s Finance and it’s make it has enough power to effect the politic. In the clause 2, congress are able to borrow money on the credit of the United State. It’s does offer any politic power to use, but its help the congress expansion the resource they can used. In the clause 3, congress has the power to impose regulations on interstate and international business, this clause given congress the power to manage the economic and business between the states and foreign Nations. This is a pretty trick clause, because this clause is too powerful to effect so many things, the judges used to understand this clause narrowly. Since 1930s, under the effluence of new deals, the Article 1, section 8, clause 3 allowing the government to regulate all kinds of economic activity, like setting a national minimum wage or setting the limit working hours in factory. Under the clause 4, the congress have the power to decide the rule of immigrant to citizen, and in other hand, congress have the power to setting rule for hopelessly indebted people and businesses to declare bankruptcy. Clause 5 is another important clause which expansion the power of congress to

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