
Parents ' Actual Vs. Desire

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Parents’ Actual vs. Desire to Participate in Care of a Hospitalized Child Health care that is based in mutually advantageous alliance between health care providers, patients, and families has shown to be an essential aspect of pediatric nursing. However, current research supports the notion that parents’ desire to participate in care may contrast their actual participation (Romaniuk, O 'Mara, & Akhtar-Danesh, 2014). Advocating for a partnership between health care providers and parents of hospitalized children wherein parents are encouraged to participate in the care of their child may assist in a more positive experience for the family (Romaniuk et al., 2014). Family-centered care (FCC) has long been considered the most supportive approach towards a family and a hospitalized child; nevertheless, parent bedside participation remains a challenge (Romaniuk et al., 2014). Choosing to stay with and provide care to a hospitalized child is driven by a parent’s need to give the child emotional support. Most parents disclose their desire to aid in daily activities but not the more detailed facets of care (e.g., administering medication and dressing changes) (Romaniuk et al., 2014). Two factors greatly influence a parent’s participation: the parent’s expectation and assumptions of nurses and their desire to be confident that their child receives necessary and timely care (Romaniuk et al., 2014). Parents also report fear of infringing upon nurses’ duties and reluctance to

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