
Parkinson's Disease Research Paper

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Parkinson’s disease can be described as an issue within the nervous system that causes delayed and heavily impacted body motor skills. Sufferers face an intense loss of body movement; they face periods of unstoppable shaking, stiffened muscles, and delayed movement. Parkinson’s is commonly described as a physically impairing disease, but, in reality, it has the ability to have just as much impact on mental capabilities as it has on physical capabilities. Mainly, in the mental realm of impairment, Parkinson’s has a massive impact on emotional health. The disease and the manner in which the symptoms progressively worsen can be seriously detrimental to the well-being of a sufferer. Constantly dealing with the various symptoms and trying to cope …show more content…

Balestrino and Matrinez-Martin explain that mental or emotional disturbances, the most commonly associated with Parkinson’s being depression, are major factors in determining the “health-related quality of life” of sufferers (6). The slow movement and delayed reactions can cause a great deal of stress for sufferers, as they can no longer keep up with the continuously moving world around them. Those affected by Parkinson’s may face severe anxiety due to facing the public with speech impediments and constant tremors. Living everyday with the severe symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and the knowledge that the disease cannot be cured can put sufferers into a depression. In fact, Blonder and Slevin state, “In a report published in 1992, Cummings [31] concluded that approximately 40 percent of Parkinson patients suffer from depression and about half of those suffer from major depressive disorder” (202). Facing the combination of both these physical impairments as well as severe emotional trauma can be detrimental to a sufferer’s quality of life because the disease not only causes a sense of helplessness but also a sense of loneliness, embarrassment, and fear of facing everyday with their impairments. With no relief to look forward to, one afflicted by Parkinson’s may lose hope …show more content…

By encouraging more participation, sufferers begin to become more accustomed to the materials they work with and develop ways to manipulate them in order to portray their thoughts. The connection between sufferer and materials leads to creation of art that then leads to a connection to oneself. The connection to oneself through art therapy leads to the development of a “body–mind unity” (Koch, et al. 10). That newfound unity to oneself aids a patient facing the impairments brought on by Parkinson’s in finding new ways in which he or she can begin to accept and cope with the pain and suffering he or she faces over a

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