The Parkland Shooting occurred at Douglas High School, Florida, United States, north of Miami. The incident occured Wednesday February 14 2018 (Nicole Chavez, 2018, p. 5).
The Parkland shooter is known as Nikolas Cruz. He was an individual who has had multiple police reports regarding his behaviour and his brothers prior to the shooting (Curt Devine, 2018, p. 2). He was shown to be mentally unstable, as well as violent. It was known by the police, and others that he had access to firearms (Jose Pagliery, 2018, p. 1).
In the shooting Nikolas Cruz used a .222 caliber AR-15 rifle (Nicole Chavez, 2018, p. 11). Over the course of the shooting he killed twelve people in the school, and two outside of the school. Two people died in the hospital at a later time from the wounds they received from Nikolas (Nicole Chavez, 2018, p. 13). Nikolas was arrested around 3:40 PM around an hour after the shooting (Nicole Chavez, 2018, p. 38). Douglas High School announced that it would remain closed for the rest of the week following the incident (Nicole Chavez, 2018, p. 50).
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Nikolas entered the school at 2:21 in the afternoon, and set off the fire alarm to draw people into the open, which is perceived as a way to increase casualties (Nicole Chavez, 2018, p. 9). Nikolas then fired into multiple classrooms, before leaving the property to wander around the nearby areas outside of the school such as McDonalds (Nicole Chavez, 2018, p.
The article "Sherif's Office Had Received About 20 Calls Regarding Suspect: The Latest on the Florida School Shooting," by Lisa Marie Segarra, Katie Reilly, Eli Meixler, and Jennifer Calfas is about the recent school shooting in Florida. This shooting took place on February 14, 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The suspect, Nikolas Cruz was a former student at the high school. Cruz blended in with the students as he entered the school with an AR-15 assault rifle. He murdered 17 students and injured many more, the rifle he used was similar to the gun used in the Las Vegas shooting and is a common military weapon. This atricle also goes on to explain that Cruz had written " I'm going to be a professional school
One of the worst school shootings in American history. First, in the morning Adam lanza killed his mother and then goes to the Sandy Hook school with 3 guns. Adam walked in and killed 20 kids and six adults. He then killed himself. Because of the light security, Adam lanza went in the school and then he was able to do whatever he wanted to. Because the school had low security, the shooter walked right into the school and killed lots of people.
Sandy Hook elementary school had a shooting in December 14,2012 in Newtown. A 20 year old man name Adam Lanza shot 20 children ages between 6 to 7. He as well shoot six adult staff member with a bushmaster xm-15 handgun. They also believed he killed his mother before he went to the school wearing a black fatigues and a military vest.
Killing three students. The student that brought the gun to school wrapped it up in a blanket and told people it was part of a project. The gun was a ruger mk 11.22 caliber pistol. The boy fired eight rounds in a fast succession at the youth group. Five kids were wounded. When he was all done with the prayer group he surrendered his weapon to the principal. After that he looked at everyone said sorry and that he had no clue why he just did that. Carneal was the child's name that had brought the gun but with no intention on actually killing anyone. Carneal had been bullied and suffered from depression, anxiety and severe paranoia. When the took him in to get charged he was also diagnosed with schizotypal personality
history and prompted a national debate on gun control and school safety, as well as a major investigation to determine what motivated the gunmen, Eric Harris, 18, and Dylan Klebold, 17” ( She noticed how her entire neighborhood was under this umbrella of stress and concern. She talks about how Mrs. Louis didn't hear from her daughter for two days. One can only imagine how stressed and worried everyone in that family was. With being in such a stressful environment, Lisa did not give specifics on what she and the others did while waiting for news on the grandchildren of Mrs.Louis, but she did give me some information “You know, it’s a very stressful time. I think we talked about that would be okay. That as the news reports came, and they knew that kids were out of the school safe. Eventually they recognized who the shooters were as they started going through the school, and making sure that kids were okay, and matching kids. We just kinda sat there and held hands, and just prayed, and provided emotional support”
Reading about this devastating shooting made my heart sink. I do not understand how any human being could have such a dark heart in order to allow this to happen. I really want to know what was Cruz’s motive or this because as of right now I think there is no reason for anyone to want to participate in a mass shooting in which you will end up with such a bad reputation. This 19-year-old just basically ruined his life by committing such a terrible crime. Almost a year ago I was still a high school student, and I would have never imagined experiencing a day at my school in that way. At any school, you’re supposed to feel safe. All of the students that experienced that event were simply trying to get an education, and sadly, for those who did
So, that would mean his goal was to hurt them in some kind of way, but obviously shooting up a school is not socially acceptable. This theory is ruled out because Nickolas used a smoke bomb and pulled the fire alarm to lure people out of classrooms, but with the smoke everywhere it was hard to see who was who, which means he wouldn’t know who he was shooting
In particular, the shooting has brought attention to school safety throughout the country and beyond, has contributed to children’s fears, and possibly inspired future generations of shooters.
Gunmans in Mass shootings such as Stephen Paddock was the shooter on October 1, 2017 When he opened fire during a show he had killed 59 people and injured 527 people. In the hours after the retired accountant committed the shooting, authorities rolled out frightening new details, including the discovery of scopes on rifles at the resort and explosives at his home.A team of six officers spoke with security at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, where Paddock was staying, and searched the hotel floor-by-floor Sunday night before they found Paddock's room, Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo told reporters.
14, 2012. 20 lives were taken away between the ages 6-7 including 6 staff members by 20-year old Adam Lanza ( David Morgan). The Sandy Hook Elementary shooting was one of the worst shootings in U.S. history that prompted the controversial debate over gun control and whether there should be safer regulations on guns. Similarly, six years after the tragic shooting of the Sandy Hook, The Parkland, FL sought the same experience of an active shooter Nicholas Cruz 19-year old, contributing to the lost of 17 lives. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students took action by protesting the rights to a stricter gun legislation that should have been enacted to protect the lives of students all around and stop the massive school shootings by letting the hands of the mentally disabled gain access to destructive weapons and cause fatal consequences at the end (“How Many More School Shootings”). Therefore, due to the series of school shootings gun laws should be
On February 8, 2018 the United States of America encounter an addition catastrophe. An extensive shooting occurred at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida denouement with seventeen innocent lives occupied by nineteenth year old Nicolas Cruz whom was a former student that was expelled from Stoneman Douglas High School. Faculty Members gamble their lives to preserve the lives of students. Many families were affected and devastated, and the questions still remain unanswered. Why? Was there a reason? What possess a person to want to killed innocent people? What action is America going to take to prevent such misfortune from arising once again?
However, the thrill of the above victories could not prevent the agony of defeat that the country faced between October 1997 and June 1998. There were five suburban school shootings in that time, in Pearl Mississippi, West Paducah, Kentucky; Jonesboro, Arkansa;, Edinboro, Pennsylvania; and Springfield, Oregon. This unspeakable violence left sixteen dead, including eleven children and teenagers. The shooters ranged in age from 11 to 16 years old.
Research shows that people with people who kill where are some point in their life, abused either physically, psychologically, sexually, or neglected (Mitchell, Heather, and Michael G. Aamodt.) Someone who is use to violence, often reflects it in their words or actions. In “Arming Teachers Is a Dangerous Proposal” it states violence in households and relationships can cause shootings, where 40% of the time children are killed. Think, kids that are killed in school shootings, had families that loved them, and they were killed by someone who didn’t that same luxury. In a statement after the Parkland shooting, “...cruelty to animals as a warning sign of more violence to come, and many school shooters and serial killers have a history of abusing animals.” (PETA Statement: Suspected High School Shooter Has Reported History of Animal Abuse). Nikolas Cruz is one of many school shooters to harm animals and then go on to kill humans. Violence to a person can cause a mental disorder and continue the violence, which only causes more people to get
“There have been 220 shootings on school campuses in the U.S. since 20 children and six adults were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Conn. on Dec. 14, according to Everytown For Gun Safety, an advocacy group.” (Krishnakumar, Priya , and Len Degroot) Many people do not feel safe attending or sending their child to a public school where they are possibly subject to a shooting. School shootings were first initially brought to the attention of the public in 1999, Columbine was one of the first school massacres that was recognized nationwide. Because of the magnitude of the shooting there is an abundance of information online bearing information of the event. First off, the shooters had identified specific targets, athletes, minorities and Christians. The two shooters had planned the firing for over a year and thought out their whole strategy. (“Columbine High School shootings.”) There was no plan in place to react to this shooting, because nothing like it had ever happened before. Although if there was, we may not hear about Columbine to the degree we do today. Columbine still is the most well known shooting and the horrific impact is still notable today across the United States. In the eighteen years since Columbine in 1999 there have been hundreds of school shootings, ranging from grade schools to college universities. Obviously, school shootings are a big problem in the United States and hopefully in time with the proper precautions taken they will eventually be eliminated forever.
The shooting at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Washington state was the 38th(!) school shooting this year in the United States.