There are many books around the world that are being banned and have been for hundreds years. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is one of those books, it's actually one of the, if not the most challenged book in the United States. Sherman Alexie's 2007 novel The Absolutely True Diary of the Part-Time Indian is considered a controversial novel because of it's demeaning references to alcohol, poverty, bullying, violence, and sexual innuendos, as well as for the tragic deaths of characters and the use of profanity or slurs related to homosexuality and mental disabilities throughout the novel but students should be allowed to read it because of the life lessons it teaches. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian was …show more content…
Racism is displayed all over the book in different quotes like “Did you know that Indians are living proof that niggers fuck buffalo?”(Alexie 64) “They call me an apple because they think I’m red on the outside and white on the inside.”(Alexie 131) “We’d expected this white guy to be original. But he was yet another white guy who showed up on the rez because he loved Indian people SOOOOOOOO much.”(Alexie 162) Sexual language is used as well like the word “boner” on pages 95-97 where Junior says “You should also read and draw because really good books and cartoons give you a boner.” “I am rock hard . . .” “When I say boner, I really mean joy . . .” The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian definitely shows throughout the novel that it could be seen as unsuitable for the age it is being assigned like on page 54 as it refers to alcoholism with his father when Jr. says “His breath smelled like mouthwash and lime vodka.” Also on page 155 Alexie references to gay marriage when he says “My grandmother had no use for all the gay bashing and homophobia in the world, especially among other Indians. ‘Jeez,’ she said. ‘Who cares if a man wants to marry another man? All I want to know is who’s going to pick up all the dirty socks?” Parents were opposed to the strong language and sexual content brought up in the book. The …show more content…
Alexie explains that he has visited many classrooms and received many letters from students who loved the book, explaining that these students have had difficult experiences similar to his own depression, sexual and physical abuse, absent parents, poverty, racism, and learning disabilities. He also explains that he has yet to receive a letter from a child somehow weakened by the domestic violence, drug abuse, racism, poverty, sexuality, and murder contained in his book. To the opposite, kids as young as ten have sent him autobiographical letters written in crayon and markers, completed with drawings inspired by the novel, that are just as dark and terrifying as anything he's ever read, Alexie explains. (The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian;Wiki) This novel has been being banned for almost ten years now and it seems like nobody knows about the literary merit in it. The book is described by the publisher Little, Brown as heartbreaking, funny and beautifully written about the experiences of a young Native American who leaves his troubled school on an Indian reservation in Washington state to attend an all-white high school in a nearby farming community.(Huffington Post) Bruce Barcott explains how recently nominated for a National Book Award, that The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a gem of a
All things considered, a book of three-hundred pages is not going to change a high school student’s mind completely. . In “Sherman Alexie young-adult book banned in Idaho schools,” Alison Flood, writing for The Guardian, quotes a spokesperson Acacia O’Conner who states that “[l]ately there’s been a lot of talk in American school districts about choice and it centers almost exclusively on parents […]” Parents are the ones questioning the book not the students. The book isn’t intended for the parents. The lessons being taught are for high school students. They can find guidance in them and learn from Junior’s uplifting story. Of course the book doesn’t contain the best language, but it’s relatable in most cases. The book The Absolutely True Diary
How offensive can a book be to be challenged frequently by parents and school districts? From the “Banning” article: “Parents--a handful, really--In a Chicago school district raised concerns about “Part Time Indian” at a recent board meeting; they claimed that the subject matter of the book wasn’t appropriate for kids just entering high school.” The parents feel that his book is too vulgar for the reading of high school kids. The book has been noted for its cultural insensitivity, drugs/alcohol/smoking, gambling, and being sexually explicated. This is something that may not be appropriate for the reading of a high school kid, but I feel that the book should not be banned because of these issues.
I think that the absolutely true Diary of a Part-Time Indian book Made by Sherman alexie should be banned in High School's because it might give students the wrong idea to say if he/she heard a teacher is saying some of the word choices in the book. some students might think it is ok to copy what the teachers is saying, there for they that might think it is ok to say some of the word choices in this book.I understand that talking about racism and certain topic in school’s are widely taught and i think that it is good to be taught but to a certain extent which this book goes way past the limit. Which is absolutely unacceptable inside of school. Sherman alexie's book uses very inappropriate word choices and situations that are simply can
Having a book be banned from school and teenagers, makes teens want to read the book more. Sherman Alexie has wrote one of America's banned books, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part - Time Indian. The main plot of this book is the life time story of a teenage Indian, Arnold who is 14. Some of the reasons this book is challenged are because people think it is racist, has sex, swearing, violence, against beliefs, and propaganda. Also the list can include sexim, drugs, alcohol, nudity, and bullying.
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a book about a young boy just entering high school who leaves his best friend and family to go to school mostly occupied by white people. This whole book follows him through his first year in this school where he tries to get a better education than he can get on the Rez, in the hopes that he will one day get off that reservation and out of his soul crushing poverty. “The Absolutely True diary of a Part-Time Indian” ATD, Sherman Alexie uses unfortunate events, social class and conversations to show that not everyone gets the support they need to follow their dreams.
One should get to know a person before judging them because impressions are not always accurate. In the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Junior experiences racism on the Spokane Indian reservation and at Reardan, where Junior attends school. Racial discrimination makes the Indians on the reservation lose their sense of self-worth and they feel as if they deserve to be treated this way. At Reardan, Junior is in an atmosphere where his white classmates and teachers make racist jokes and nicknames targeting him. In the novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Sherman Alexie explains how prejudice and discriminatory behaviour endorses negative relationships between people. This can be observed through Junior’s
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian features two main settings, the Pacific Northwest towns of Wellpinit and Reardan. These contrasting locations – one an impoverished Indian reservation and the other an affluent white community – become very important to the ever-shifting identity of our narrator, Arnold Spirit, Jr.
This book, "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie, is about a boy called Arnold Spirit aka Junior. He is a Native American that lives in an Indian Reservation. He isn't really satisfied with his life, since he's pretty poor, but he gets along. He doesn't really accept himself, since he has multiple medical problems, and he has been beaten up since he was little. When he starts to gain more friends in this new (American) school, he starts to like and accept himself more than before. In this book, "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" (by Sherman Alexie), the main theme is about Arnold trying to accept himself.
Although it is moderately offensive, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a brutally honest depiction of growing up. The main reason why books like The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian are banned or challenged is because parents do not feel that their teenager should be reading about the
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is a novel about Arnold Spirit (Junior), a boy from the Spokane Indian Reservation who decides to attend high school outside the reservation in order to have a better future. During that first year at Reardan High School, Arnold has to find his place at his all-white school, cope with his best friend Rowdy and most of his tribe disowning him, and endure the deaths of his grandmother, his father’s best friend, and his sister. Alexie touches upon issues of identity, otherness, alcoholism, death, and poverty in order to stay true to his characters and the cultures within the story. Through the identification of the role of the self, identity, and social behavior
This book, "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie, is about a boy called Arnold Spirit aka Junior. He is a Native American that lives in an Indian Reservation. He isn't really satisfied with his life, since he's pretty poor, but he gets along. He doesn't really accept himself, since he has multiple medical problems, and he has been beaten up since he was little. When he starts to gain more friends in this new (American) school, he starts to like and accept himself more than before. In this book, "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian" (by Sherman Alexie), the main theme is about Arnold trying to accept himself.
Throughout the story, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, Junior goes through many ups and downs. This story is about how Junior, an indian from the Spokane reservation, decides to go to Rearden, the school for non-indians because of how run-down his school is and has trouble fitting in. Some of the ways Junior dealt with those downs include his uncanny sense of humor, his love for his friends, and the want to fit in and prove he’s just as good as everyone else at his new school.
The book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian, by Sherman Alexie, should not be banned from schools. Alexie’s novel is well written because it covers stereotypes, hope, and reality. Because of censorship schools want to ban this novel because people think it contains inappropriate content. Censorship has been increased from middle school to high school because high school students are more mature and understanding. Our current society is more accepting and more willing to see other perspectives on people’s creativity and positions in life. People today are more open-minded rather than close-minded. In some occasions, books can seem to be inappropriate for the parents, and the teachers do not want to receive complaints from the parents. There are various ways a teacher can get approval to lecture about a book that can cause conflict with the parent(s). Parents will be aware of what their children are learning in class. Censorship in high school is more of a fear of teachers getting into trouble for teaching the students conflicting ideas. There are many more reasons why Sherman’s book should be allowed to be taught in school, but these are only a few.
If there were a novel that could bring value to children’s life but contains many heavy topics, should parents allow it to be used in high schools? Would it be fair to limit a child’s education simply due to the uncensored content of a novel with realistic life lessons? Unfortunately, a “multiple award-winning young-adult novel” called The Absolutely True Diary by Sherman Alexie has been banned in numerous high schools for just that reason (Flood). The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian was inspired by Sherman Alexie’s “autobiographical story of a poor reservation Indian boy and his desperate and humorous attempts to find a better life” (Alexie, “Why”). The concerns that many adults have towards this novel are the possible negative
In variety of schools, many grade nines love reading young adult fiction novels. Everywhere in schools library you can go, find students especially the grade nines reading these types of novels. It has been seen that one of the most favourite books was the “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian.” Research shows that students at this kind of age, love reading books that have some pictures in the novel to help them in their imagination of the story and to see the characters feelings/expressions in throughout the story. So the question is, why is reading “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” a good novel to read? Some people stated that this novel is a good novel to read because it shows the grade nines how they could imagine the story from the characters point of view in the story, the second reason is that in the novel it shows how he could share his feelings from drawing pictures, and finally the last reason is that it shows students how to not judge people from their religion or