The Parthenon and Pantheon The Parthenon and Pantheon have many similarities and differences. The Parthenon was completed in 432 B.C.E. in Athens, Greece. Pantheon was completed in 125 C.E. in Rome. The first major similarity is that the Parthenon and Pantheon were both built as temples for the gods and goddesses of their time. The Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess Athena and completed in 432 B.C.E. The Parthenon was built by Iktinos, Kalikrates. Whereas the Pantheon was dedicated to all the gods and goddesses of Rome in 126 C.E. The Pantheon was built by Aelius Hadrianus. The design and structure of both the Pantheon and the Parthenon is where we get a lot of differences with few similarities. The Parthenon was built on a rectangle …show more content…
The building became a church and was given to Pope Poniface IV in 609 AD. It was converted to a Christian church, this saved the Pantheon from being looted and destroyed like the Parthenon. Some of the Pantheon’s marble was given to the British Museum. During the Renaissance, the Pantheon became a very important burial place. Some buried here are artists Raphael and Anibale Carraccit and the musician Arcangelo Corelli. In 1832 Greece became independent and gained control of Athens. The Parthenon became a historical precinct controlled by the Greek government. In 1975 the Greek government began to restoring Parthenon and made the Committee for Conservation of the Acropolis Monuments over the Parthenon in 1983, the European Union funds the restoring.. Today the Pantheon is still used as a church. The Pantheon holds special masses for the Pope like Lent. The Pantheon has been very influential in architecture since the Renaissance. The Pantheon’s influence can still be seen in numerous buildings today. The Parthenon and Pantheon were in different times but, have many things in common. Both were built so long ago but still have a major influence on the world today. Hopefully the Parthenon and the Pantheon on around for future generations to be inspired and influenced by them as
The Parthenon, built around 490 BCE, was one of the most explicit structures created in the Classical Era. Made from marble, it measures roughly 228 feet long and 100 feet wide, huge in comparison to the Pantheon which is located in Rome. The Parthenon was constructed and dedicated to the goddess Athena, while the Pantheon
Parthenon is a former temple,Greece dedicated it to their goddess Athena, the people of Parthenon considered it as their patron.While they were creating a building the Persians decided to come over and burn it down and where that building was after the Persians burnt it down the Greeks built the Parthenon right where the other building was.
The Parthenon is a classical style of ancient Greek architecture and the most important building in the city and it self replaced on older temple of Athena, which called Pre-Parthenon. It was built and completed in 438 B.C buy Iktinos and Kallikrates, after that destroyed by Persian in 480 B.C. The Temple all made form marble and its 20 miles far from Athens. Later
The Parthenon and the Pantheon are both ancient temples, worldly famous, dedicated to ancient but no longer worshiped Gods and Goddesses of Greece and Rome.
The Parthenon was built on the Acropolis of Athens between 447 and 432 BCE. Silverman, (n.d.). The Parthenon is a temple that was dedicated to the goddess Athena who bore the city's name. This temple was constructed to house the statue of Athena, and to declare to the world the success of Athens as the leader of Greek states. The Parthenon was a Doric Greek temple. This temple had a mixture of two
For about a decade, the debate between whether collegiate athletes should be paid while playing has been contemplated. Now, the focus has moved from all sports to two specific areas, football and men’s basketball. Sprouting from many court cases filed against the NCAA to some ugly sandals dealing with the athletes themselves. In the 2010 – 2011 time frame, this controversy really sparked up chatter; eventually leading the current pled for sport reformation. Our student athletes are the ones who are at the expense here stuck in between this large argument. Over the past 10 years, there has been minor things done for either side and the players themselves have started taking things into their own hands. The year 2010 a total of 7 student
The pantheon which is located in Rome was originally commissioned by Marcus Agrippa, 27 BCE-14 AD, during Augustus’s reign. It was later rebuilt in 126 AD by the Emperor Hadrian. It was built to be a Temple for the worship of all Gods (
Very similar in shape to the epic Colosseum which is oval, but different in its purpose. The Colosseum also boasts greater heights than the Pantheon, but that does not make it any less impressive. The Pantheon is a major Roman monument that showcases simplistic structural design but is amazing in the sense of its dimensions. With columns garnering 12 meters in height, and weighing 50 tons, made of solid granite; it is incredible that they were able to transport them in one piece from such great distances. Atop of the columns were lintels made of marble weighing 30 tons. However the greatest example of the Roman’s advancement in their use of materials is seen in the coffered dome of the Pantheon, which is made entirely of concrete; 5000 tons of it. Nothing larger than the dome of the Pantheon was built until the 20th century. The inside diameter of the dome is almost 44 meters wide, half the length of a football field. The concrete in the dome has no steel reinforcements, which is something that would not be attempted today. To admit light and ventilation throughout the building, a 29 foot oculus (eye) is left open to the sky at the top. That just shows how bold and ingenious the Romans really were because the dome itself is a perfect hemisphere. It is astounding the achievement that Romans have made with the Pantheon, having to come up with an original device, and experiment with building materials, in order to construct such magnificent dimensions. It would not have been possible to do this without the Roman’s invention of
The Parthenon is known as the Temple of Athena Parthenos. Phidias and his team (Ictinus and Callicrates) began the process of building the Parthenon in 447 B.C.E. “It is one of the main buildings in the Acropolis and was dedicated to honor Athena. The buildings showed a lot of wealth and power to the Athenian empire. The architecture of the Parthenon shows elements of the clarity.” The Parthenon has a rather uniquely structured building. There is nothing cookie-cutter about the shape. The surfaces are rarely straight and there are hardly any completely horizontal or vertical lines. Instead of using the straight lines they went with more of a slight curve. Also the floor was not flat it had a more pronounced curve than people had seen before which made it stand out. The outer floor was had about a 6-inch difference from the inner floor. The unusual structure of the Parthenon was not due to poor architect skills it was completely
Built originally as temples, we see above some ways where we can draw a difference between Ancient Rome's and Greece's building techniques. Both structures were transformed converted into churches but nowadays only the Pantheon remains one, the Parthenon is a museum. Both structures went through much degradation, specially the Parthenon but both still stand tall, marvelling everyone to this day.
I decided to compare the Pantheon and Hagia Sophia. The Pantheon is in Rome, Italy and the Hagia Sophia is located in Istanbul, Turkey previously Constantinople. I chose these structures because the construction of domes fascinates me. How the domes were constructed is explained in the text, yet the concept still baffles me how people were actually able to build domes with the technology present then and that the domes did not collapse on themselves.
The word Pantheon comes from a Greek word Pantheion, meaning "of, relating to, or common to all the gods". (Pantheon - Rome, 2017) Even though the origins appear to be very similar, even borrowing its name from the Greeks, the Pantheon is distinctly Roman. Looking at the entrance you would immediately get the impression of Greek architecture with its massive columns and portico entrance. However, once inside, the building takes on a completely different feel. The Romans were masters of the dome structure, and the Pantheon has the world’s largest that is not reinforced with steel in anyway. (Pantheon - Rome,
When we see the Parthenon in Athens seems located in isolated place where i can not see some other building in its surrounding. But the pantheon in Rome is built in the middle of city where there are a lot of building around it. The Parthenon in Athens is not in good condition and it is left only the remaining and seems it is not used anymore for service. on the other hand the Pantheon in Rome is in good condition where it seems as nothing damage happened to it. There are many people who seems providing or taking some service.
The Pantheon is an iconic part of architecture, particularly in the mediterranean. Constructed in Imperial Rome, the Pantheon was an incredible piece that forever influenced the basics of architecture. A similar piece, contemporary to the Pantheon, would be the Dome of the Rock. Found in Jerusalem, the Umayyad caliph built the shrine in the seventh century to serve a function as an Islamic shrine. Being the oldest extant Islamic monument known to man, the Dome of the Rock is sacred to both the Muslim and jewish religions.While being in completely different cultures, the Pantheon and the Dome of the Rock share numerous similarities varying from their functionality to the characteristic style of the domes.
Agrippa, Augustus’ right-hand man, constructed this building as a temple to all the gods; however, a fire destroyed this temple in 80 CE and so Domitian built the reconstruction. The Pantheon we are familiar with has a significantly different design than the original one, and this is why this specific temple is so dislike to the rest of the Roman temples. Before it was burnt, the Pantheon stood in a podium at the end of a large rectangular court. The surroundings of this temple have changed in order to provide a unique experience to its visitors. For example, the temple has en enormous dome with a 27-foot oculus that opens to the sky. This oculus lets a shaft of light come through creating an emphasis wherever the reflection is. Visitors were driven nowhere but to the light at the center of the dome. This building was built for greeting foreign embassies, adjudicating disputes and hold court (Janson). Moreover, the Pantheon is extraordinary because of the potential and strength of concrete. Some other materials used in the process of building the temple include travertine, tufa, brick, and pumice. These materials varied in order to reduce its weight. The colored marble on the wall symbolized imperial authority. The sphere is though to symbolize eternity and perfection and the bronze panels symbolized a starry night sky.