
Participation Trophies In Sports Essay

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Are Participation Trophies in Athletics a Good Idea?
In athletic completions, you or your team doesn’t win every time. It’s a known fact that there places that can be awarded depending on performance in competition, of first, second, and third place. A part of life is that you don’t always win and is a lesson that today’s youth aren’t having to learn or experience. Every person needs to learn how to cope with losing and that can’t without experiences. Winning and losing comes in many different forms and goes well beyond sports as a young child grows up to be an adult. A lot of kids today are getting trophies and rewards that they didn’t exactly deserve. This is happening in other activities as well, not just in sports. There is a certain …show more content…

Time and effort must be put into a job to get that paycheck. However, we aren’t teaching today’s youth that concept. According to a study done in the New York Times, participation trophies are being handed out like candy on Halloween. “In Southern California the Youth Soccer Organization hands out roughly 3,500 awards each season — each player gets one, while around a third get two” (Gonchar, 2013). No matter what the participants’ skill levels are or the amount of games they win, the participant will get a trophy. The parents sign their children up for the sporting event, pay the fee for entering the league, if there are any, and then the kids receive a reward at the end of the season. Many organizations are giving participation trophies to even 7th and 9th graders. Kids begin to develop with the idea that a trophy will always be given to them and this is slowing them down from starting to grow up and becoming hard worker’s work ethic. Parents put their children in these leagues because no matter what the kid puts into the sport, effort wise, there will be reward at the end of the season for them. This isn’t teaching the kids that hard work and always doing your job a hundred and ten percent is needed for real life, and ends up ruining their self-confidence when they get older and realize trophies won’t be just handed to

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