
Participatory Modes

Decent Essays

What is a documentary? The technical term is utilizing pictures or interviews with people involved in real events to provide a factual record on a particular unique subject. In other words, it is a programme that provides a reputable document on a detailed subject. One influential person on documentaries is Bill Nichols who is a film critic and theorist known for his pioneering work in documentary, he compared film theory to that of documentaries for the first time and that even though they are made with different purposes in mind that does not separate them. Documentaries or film have conventions and practices such as screenwriting, staging, re-enacting, rehearsal and performance , non actors, handheld cameras, improve and found footage. …show more content…

Rather than not influencing or getting involved with the subject they will directly engage with them/it. Reflexive Mode acknowledges how a documentary is made and that it is infeasible for it to be an untouched fact so to speak because it gets affected by so many different processes and techniques for example the camera and editing to enhance it and so it accepts it and may also make these matters recognized to the viewers with the aid of authentically having and exhibiting them in the movie itself. It admits to the audience this is not the truth but a reconstructed version of it. Performative Mode is where the filmmaker is deeply involved and this type of documentary is on the whole subjective, the filmmaker and the film might depict their personal journey. It does not set out to lecture truth or a point of view in any case but acknowledges the emotional and subjective facets. They might also be autobiographical

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