
Passage 36-35 In Macbeth

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Macbeth Essay In William Shakespeare's Macbeth, the passages 1.5. 36-52, 5.1.30-35 and 1.4.13-24 are significant because of the theme topics revealed about ambition, and guilt and the use of dramatic irony. To be specific passage 1.5. 36-52 is significant since it reveals that ambition should not replace values of one’s human nature which eventually leads to Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s downfall. Second, passage 5.1.30-35 is significant because it reveals Lady Macbeth’s guilt through her reaction to the heinous crimes she willingly involved herself into. Lastly, passage 1.4.13-24 is significant because of the use of dramatic irony that Macbeth used to make Duncan feel welcome in his castle. This first passage, which is a soliloquy spoken …show more content…

In this scene Duncan says how he trusts Macbeth, although the audience knows that Macbeth is not trustworthy and that the Macbeth’s are planning to kill Duncan and take over his title. In this specific text in the play Duncan mentions how he trusts Macbeth and Cawdor and that there's no way how he could repay the Macbeth’s. “There’s no art, To find the mind’s construction in the face. He was a gentleman who I built an absolute trust” (1.4.13-16). As the audience we know that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are planning to deceive Duncan because of the witches prophecy that Macbeth will become king. Dramatic irony is also shown in this scene because Duncan starts to praise Macbeth calling him his “worthiest cousin” and saying how comfortable he feels visiting the Macbeth’s castle, when Duncan is completely unaware of Macbeth’s ambitious nature of thinking to assassinate Duncan. “O worthiest cousin, The sin of my ingratitude even now Was heavy on me” (1.4.17-19). Consequently, this passage is significant to the overall play as it reveals the use of dramatic irony to make Duncan feel welcome in the Macbeth’s castle in where he will be

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