
Pathobiology Of Aging Essay

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Ageing is the process of becoming older. As humans beings get older, the body system and functions will gradually progress towards deterioration. There are two factors that influencing the aging process which is intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic factors is influencing by the internal physiological factors alone while the extrinsic factors is caused by external factors such as ultra violet radiation, cigarette smoking, air pollution and other. Intrinsic factor also called as a chronological aging and extrinsic factors called as photoaging. Intrinsic process are those inherent to aging itself in which may arise from both genetic and environmental effects. Thus, the following describe, the process that are intrinsic to aging may or may not be inherited. However, characteristic that are inherited may or may not show genetic variation. …show more content…

There are thousands of genes which relevance for the pathobiology of aging, but there are few genes may control the rate of aging. Other than that, some theories of aging point to the influence of genetics redundancy in the aging process and others are concerned with insufficiency of repair system, which aging result from the accumulation of somatic damage or unrepaired DNA lesion. It is not clear whether age related based in repair mechanism which may be intrinsic to the aging process, reflect information encoded in the DNA, environmental effects or the interaction of genetic and environmental effects. This show both genetic and environmental mechanism are probably important to intrinsic aging

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