
Pathophysiology Case Studies

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A. Demographics:
a) Age: Infant (1 month – 1 year)
b) Sex: Male
c) Race: Hispanic
B. Drug Allergies: No known drug allergies
C. Chief Complaint:
a) Congenital Tracheomalacia
b) Respiratory depression
c) Shortness of breath
d) Decreased food intake
e) Cough
D. History of Present Illness: The patient was presented with a one day history of shortness of breath (SOB), respiratory distress, decreased food intake and occasional cough. According to his mother, he was in his usual state of health until the night before he got to the hospital nearby their house. She noted him to be working hard to breathe with retractions and wheezing, also noted him to refusing to eat and occasional coughing. His mother stated that she took him to his PCP for his immunizations; from there he developed a fever after the vaccine, which was resolved after a day. Mother denies any skin contact, any diarrhea, constipation, vomiting or any other signs or symptoms. After that, she took him to an emergency room (ER) at Southwest where he received multiple DuoNebs, NS bolus, Racemic Epinephrine and was …show more content…

The normal range of WBC is 6.0-17.0 10*3/µL; his WBC count was normal. The normal range of RBC is 2.70-4.9 10*6/µL; his RBC count was normal. The normal range of HGB is 9.0-15 g/dL; his hemoglobin level was low. Normal HCT is 28-42 %; his hematocrit level was low. The reason for such low hemoglobin and hematocrit level could be because of decreased food intake that can cause iron deficiency (part of hemoglobin structure where oxygen is bind to hemoglobin). Normal platelet range is 150-495 10*3/µL; his platelet count was normal. Normal Na is 135-145 mmol/L, normal potassium is 3.5-5.0 mmol/L, normal chloride is 98-108 mmol/L, normal BUN is 7-23 mg/dL, normal creatinine is 0.50-1.04 mg/dL, and normal calcium is 8.6-10.6 mg/dL. All of his metabolic labs were within normal

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