Pathophysiology of ACS:
The pathophysiology of ACS occurs as sequelae of atherosclerotic plaque rupture, which leads to thrombus formation that results in reduction of coronary blood flow which further causes myocardial ischemia.5 American College of Cardiology divided ACS to three segments, which include; unstable angina, ST segment elevation-ACS (STE-ACS) and, non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTE-ACS). 4
NT-pro-BNP is one of the natriuretic hormones that belongs to the vasoactive peptide group which can be measured in the blood.15 NT-pro-BNP release is triggered by volume or pressure overload/myocardial Ischemia and increases as necrosis to myocardial muscle proceeds.12 This biomarker holds a promising future in determining the prognostic and diagnostic value in the setting of ACS, which will be effective in the utilization of health care setting to assess patients’ outcomes.14
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The results of this study showed that high levels of NT-pro-BNP are superior and are independent predictors of short-term mortality compared to cTn I in ACS patients. The authors concluded that NT-pro-BNP maybe utilized in clinical practice for risk stratification in patients with normal cTn I levels.6
NT-pro-BNP has become well known as one of the diagnostic tools in heart failure and acute dyspnea, but its role in ACS is not very well established. Even though it has been used as a risk predictor, NT-pro-BNP does not have a strong diagnostic value in ACS.15
The prognostic value of NT-pro-BNP has been investigated in several studies, it has been suggested that one measurement of NT-pro-BNP in the early period of diagnosis of ischemic episodes provided prognostic importance in ACS. The increased levels of NT-pro-BNP in STE-ACS, NSET-ACS and, unstable angina provided predictions of increased risk of
The accuracy of interqual criteria in determining the need for observation versus hospitalization in emergency department patients with chronic heart failure.
Clearly differentiate the pathophysiology of angina and myocardial infarction, including signs and symptoms. (5 marks)
I tried to understand why PMG asking now about Hospital NPI number for BCBS? anyway I did some research and I see that BCBS reject the claims for:
This study is relevant to the research question because they focused on testing n-terminal pro-b type natriuretic peptide and management of Heart Failure patients, however the patients were in a hospital in Canada. The study started with 534 patients from screening but 34 were excluded, and 17 patients did not participate after the first hospitalization, leaving 483 patients that were followed during the course of the study (Moe, Howlett, Januzzi, Zowall, 2007). The study used receiver-operating characteristic curve was used to analyze the data from the two groups (Moe, Howlett, Januzzi, Zowall, 2007). The tools used were clearly defined, reliable and valid. The researchers measured the proBNP level and physician initial diagnosis and then after they used the “logistic regression model” to predict whether knowledge of the proBNP levels aided in diagnosis and management of HF (Moe, Howlett, Januzzi, Zowall, 2007). The statistics used to analyze the date was relevant to the clinical research question. The study did not “perform age-stratified analysis” which may have an impact on the results, there was also a loss to follow up and the study was performed at multiple sites in Canada where as the patients for the clinical research question are located in Dallas service delivery area in United States of America (Moe, Howlett, Januzzi, Zowall, 2007). According to the researchers, the results of their study supported the “recently published HF consensus guidelines’” view that proBNP supports clinical diagnosis and cost effective care of patients (Moe, Howlett, Januzzi, Zowall, 2007). The implication of this study is that knowing the value of proBNP aids practitioners in the diagnosis and management of HF
The pathophysiology of ACS includes the stable plaque forms get converted into unstable plaque forms.2 These unstable plaque forms have numerous thin fibrous cap cells, inflammatory cells, activated macrophages, and smooth muscle cells. Sympathetic activity increases myocardial contractility, pulse rate, blood pressure, and coronary blood flow which leads to plaque rupture or fissure. As the artery ruptures, it causes thrombus formation and ischemia in this particular artery. Depending on the condition, different thrombi could form. The unstable angina forms a small thrombus formation, NSTEMI forms a partial thrombus formation, and STEMI forms a complete and persistent thrombus. The risk factors involved in ACS are age, physical inactivity, and history of hypertension, diabetes, or angina. The signs of acute coronary syndromes are an acute heart failure, tachycardia, bradycardia, or heart blockage, and the symptoms of ACS consist of chest pain, pain in the extremities, nausea, shortness of breath, heavy
Growing up, I’ve always wondered why there isn’t more done to help those who are stricken to wheelchairs or those who can’t remember where they are at one moment then are completely aware the next. To this day I don’t understand how nobody’s found something to halt the deterioration of the central nervous system. My “major of interest” is neuroscience. More specifically, my major is the molecular and cellular side or the “biology side” to the field. With this major, I will learn the ins and outs of the brain and everything that coincides with it. But, I will also need to research to go even farther into the subject and to really master what I’m studying. I want to be able to contribute to the current research that is pushing to fight the disabling powers of neurological diseases. The diseases I want to really focus on are Alzheimer’s and ALS. These illnesses have ruined countless lives and have stopped many people from living their lives to their full potential.
A further multivariate regression analysis revealed that the lowest tertile of serum P1NP concentration (≤29.3µg/L) was found to be significantly associated with nursing home residence (P-value 0.034) after adjustment for age, gender and presence of hypertension; and also to be inversely associated with ALP (P-value 0.000), OC (P-value 0.000) and β-CTX (P-value 0.001) after adjustment for age, gender, ALP, OC, and β-CTX.
Heart failure (HF) is defined as a multifaceted clinical syndrome that can result from any structural or functional cardiac disorder that impairs the ability of the ventricle to fill with or eject blood. In HF, the heart may not provide tissues with adequate blood for metabolic needs, and cardiac-related elevation of pulmonary or systemic venous pressures may result in organ congestion1. In the United States, HF is increasing in incidence with about 5.1 million people suffering from HF and half of people who develop HF die within 5years 2. Over 75% of existing and new cases occurred in individuals over 65 years of age, < 1% in individuals below 60 years, nearly 10% in those over 80 years of age. HF costs the
According to the American Heart Association, congestive heart failure physicians use a physical examine and other tests to diagnose heart failure ("Common Tests," 2017). The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute state the a chest x-ray, laboratory blood test called a BNP, and an echocardiogram are used to test to help determine if a person has congestive heart failure ("How is heart ," 2015). Heart failure affects all ages with the greatest
With new research emerging, new tests and measures are being discovered to provide potential additions to improve the diagnostic and treatment process. One of these is the B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). According to Porapakkham, Porapakkham, Zimmet, &, Billah, B., & Krum (2010), BNP is a neurohormone primarily released from the heart’s ventricles in response to the stretch that is received when the heart is filling. The greater the stretch received by the heart, more of the neurohormone is released into the bloodstream. This has been seen as an invaluable and also a minimally invasive indicator of volume status and a measurable value of the heart’s ability as a pump. My question arose from the curiosity of whether using BNP as a guide in treatment of heart failure patients will provide better clinical and subjective outcomes not just for the patients but also for treating practitioners. The following is the summary and synthesis of the articles, Meta-analysis and practice guideline that pertains to the PICO question
Research by the American Heart Association (2014) states that heart failure effects an estimated 5.1 million Americans and it is predicted to increase 25% by 2030. Heart failure is a pathophysiological condition that indicates the heart is unable to promote enough cardiac output causing insufficient blood supply to the body. Pharmacological treatment for cardiac failure is dependent upon the ability to decrease rate of blood flow and blood pressure. Survival after heart failure diagnosis has improved with medication but the death rate remains high with over half of the people diagnosed with heart failure will die within 5 years. (Go et al., 2014)
Sofia Boquiren Rev Schmitz THEO 111-06 28 April 2018 Religious Ritual and the Human Condition Jewish religion holds certain beliefs that must be strictly followed. Unlike most Christian religions, the Jewish worship on Saturday or what they called Sabbath Day. Weekly Sabbath is a day of rest observed by them and by some Christian minority such as Seventh-Day Adventists. In the bible, Sabbath commemorates the day God had rested from his work of changing the earth. This day had been established and made holy after God had seen the changes he had created.
As blood pressure rises and “the blood moves with enough force, [it] increases the chances of tearing that plaque loose” and rupturing it (Sapolsky, 2004, p. 45). When a rupture occurs, the material that has become loose, a blood clot known as a thrombus, can pose as much more of a threat to a person’s life than the initial build up of plaque. If the thrombus blocks a coronary vessel then the heart muscle is unable to receive blood that is full of needed oxygen and other essential nutrients, this is known as cardiac ischemia (Steffen, Lecture 11). Ischemia can cause angina and discomfort. Another possible result of a blocked coronary artery is a heart attack, which can lead to death, and if a blood vessel in the brain is clogged then a stoke will occur.
Patient population was divided into two groups that included NT-pro-BNP level of more than 525 pg/mL (Group1) and NT-pro-BNP less than or equal to 525 pg/mL (Group2). These cutoff points were decided based on the NT-pro-BNP median. Descriptive statistics for the continuous variables were reported as mean ± standard deviation while categorical variables were summarized as frequencies and percentages. Chi square test was used to measure the association of the primary and secondary outcomes with NT-Pro-BNP. The level of statistical significance was set at a p < 0.05. All the statistical analysis on the data was done using SAS software package version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., NC, USA).
Truth telling is one of the most fundamental ethical actions a person can take. However, not telling the truth can also have an ethical component, especially from the perspective of ethical consequentialism. For Immanuel Kant, it is always immoral and wrong to lie. There are ethical absolutes according to Kant's deontological ethical framework, and one of those ethical absolutes is that it is absolutely, categorically, wrong to tell a lie. Kantian categorical imperative is the assertion that it is imperative to always tell the truth. One of the reasons why Kant believed it was ethically correct to tell the truth and never to lie is based on the fact that people have what Kant believed to be "intrinsic worth," (Mazur, 2010). Lying insults the intrinsic worth of both the receiver of the lie, and the teller. A person telling the lie diminishes his or her intrinsic worth, degrading the self to be on the level of a brute. Lying also insults the intrinsic worth of the receiver of the lie: by suggesting that that recipient is not worthy enough of the truth. Even when the truth hurts, it is still considered information that is valuable for the person to make informed decisions. To withhold any information deprives the right of the individual to make decisions, even based on information that is painful (Mazur, 2010). Using this logic, Kant would say that it is important to tell a spouse about a one-night stand. The spouse can make the informed decision whether to kick you out of the