Pathophysiology of Epilepsy
An electrical impulse carrying a neuronal message is called an action potential. During action potential, the neural membrane allows a net positive inflow of ions into the cell and negatively charged ions out of the cell. This causes a voltage change in the neuronal membrane which is also known as depolarization. Ions that participate in establishing an action potential are sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride. In a normal brain, hyper excitability of neurons is achieved by different inhibitory mechanisms.
There are two types of nerve impulses
1. Excitatory: Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain.
2. Inhibitory: Gamma amino Butyric acid (GABA) is
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Increased Na+conductance (B, upper panel) creates a situation in which a single action potential initiates sustained depolarization as a PDS
(B, lower panel). Decreased K+ conductance (C, upper panel) also can predispose to PDS. (Adapted with permission from Chang BS, Lowenstein DH. Epilepsy. N Engl J Med 2003;349:1261. Copyright © 2003 Massachusetts Medical Society.) by Henry R. Thomas. Epilepsy Board Review Manual
Mechanism of Seizure Formation
1. Excitation of a group of nerves: During a seizure, a small group of abnormal neurons repeatedly fire rapid action potentials. Therefore, there is no resting or refractory period for these neuron and they have a have prolonged depolarization. These neurons then transmit these impulses to adjacent neurons. A seizure occurs when a large number of neurons are involved and produce electrical discharges that cause a storm of electrical activity in the brain or to distant areas through established anatomic pathways. There is influx of Na+ and Ca++ ions and involves neurotransmitters like Glutamate and Aspartate.
2. Too Little Inhibition: Decreased inhibitory neurotransmission which is mainly brought about by Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA).
3. Hypersyncronization of a neuronal population: A single hyperexcitable neuron cannot generate a seizure. An adequate number of hyperexcitable, hypersynchronized neurons in a sustained depolarized state
In this experiment we will be dealing with two chemicals that intend to inhibit a nerve impulse.
Depolarization in membrane potential triggers an action potential because nearby axonal membranes will be depolarized to values near or above threshold voltage.
A. Depolarization; excitatory postsynaptic potential. Sodium would depolarize the membrane and increase the likelihood that the post synaptic neuron would fire an action potential.
Partial seizures also referred to as focal seizures, have abnormal excited neuron activity on one part of the brain and in some cases it can increase to other parts of the brain. These specific areas are called the seizure focus. As the activity typically stays around where it started from, there is the potential for it to spread due to the failure of inhibitory mechanisms. Within the seizure focus, neurons experience depolarization, which is then followed by a line of action potentials. The activity involved is defined as proximal depolarizing
Action potentials act as ‘messengers’ to brain in the form of electrical signals. They are generated by depolarization which is a voltage change in the membrane of a neuron cell. An action potential is produced in each nerve cell and travels along the axon of the nerve cell. The action potential causes a release of a neurotransmitters to
Excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSPs) depolarize the membrane and move it closer to the threshold for an action potential.
In our brain we have neurons that communicate every second of the day with one other through their dendrite and axons. Most of the time incoming signals are received in the dendrites and outgoing signals travel down the axon to the nerve terminal. For the neuron to receive the rapid communication due to the long axon, the neuron sends electrical signals, from the cell’s body to the nerve terminal. This process is known as nerve impulses, or action potential. “Brain neurons can transmit signals using a flow of sodium(Na+) and potassium (K+) ions, that produces an electrical spike called an action potential (AP) (Forrest, 2014, P. 1). Action potential is essentially a slight reversal of electric polarity across the membrane. When an action potential takes place, the sodium -potassium pump resets the way sodium and potassium ions were back to their original positions. The sodium-potassium does this to the neuron so when it is then ready to relay another action potential, it will pump when called upon to do so. The Na+/K+ pump has a housekeeping role rather than a direct role in brain signaling (Forrest, 2014, P. 1). For an action potential to be generated the membrane voltage must be strong enough to bring the membrane voltage to a critical value called the threshold.
The first step of four is called the resting membrane potential, the resting membrane potential is also known as polarized. At this stage no ions move through the voltage-gated channels, both sodium and potassium gates are shut. A neuron (which is a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses) is resting. At resting state, the membrane potential of a neuron is roughly -70mV (millivolts), so the cytoplasmic side (which is the inside) is negatively charged parallel to the outside. All gated Na+ and K+ channels are closed at this stage. A Na+ channel each has two gates, 1 being an activation gate which is closed at rest but swings open when depolarization occurs, the second being and inactivation gate that ceases the channel once swung open. Although for Na+ to enter both gates
Action potential is an all-or-none response like firing a gun. It begins with a membrane that is outwardly positive and inwardly negative in terms of charge. Sodium is on the outside, and potassium is on the inside. When a stimulus occurs, depolarization takes effect and sodium diffuses into the cell. The reversed polarity initiates an action potential.
When the neuron gets stimulated, the sodium ions flow in to the cell and the neuron gets depolarized. When the neuron reaches the complete depolarization, impulse is
The lipid bilayer is impermeable to charged ions, so ions have to pass through ion channels to get in or out of the neuron. When in the resting stage, the sodium channels are almost impermeable to sodium ions. Entry of sodium ions can only be accomplished if the voltage - gated Na+ channel allows it to. This means that there has to be a nerve impulse that results in a change of voltage to open the sodium ion channels allowing Na+ to enter the cell.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorder that is occuring in about 1% of the global population (WHO 2016). Epilepsy is defined as a tendency to have more than two recurrent of unprovoked, unpredictable seizures. Epileptic seizures are brief episodes of involuntary movements that involve the entire body (generalized; tonic-clonic) or one part of the body (partial). These seizures are a result of excessive electrical discharges in specific part of the brain (Shneker and Fountain 2003). Different regions of the brain can serve as a site of such unregulated discharges and form different type of seizures. Seizures can range from short lapses of attention and uncontrolled muscle jerks to severe and prolonged convulsions. Nonetheless, one seizure does not signify epilepsy, but more than two in frame time of two years is epilepsy. However, epileptic seizure is manifested with overlapped signs and symptoms with other disorders and disease, which makes it difficult to define specific seizure to epilepsy.
In physiology, an action potential is a short-lasting event in which the electrical membrane potential of a cell rapidly rises and falls, following a consistent trajectory. Action potentials occur in several types of animal cells, called excitable cells, which include neurons, muscle cells, and endocrine cells, as well as in some plant cells. In neurons, they play a central role in cell-to-cell communication. In other types of cells, their main function is to activate intracellular processes. In muscle cells, for example, an action potential is the first step in the chain of events leading to contraction. In beta cells of the pancreas, they provoke release of insulin.[a] Action potentials in neurons are also known as "nerve impulses" or "spikes",
WHAT IS EPILEPSY Neurological disorder Primarily characterized by repetitive spontaneous seizures Many different types Wide range of symptoms that vary from person to person Characterized by abnormal electrical activity in brain CAUSES Caused by abnormal activity in brain cells
With a basic understanding of neurons and how the nervous system works, it should be known that the brain is a very delicate system; something seemingly minor can cause catastrophic complications. There are two key functions for the neurotransmitters of the brain, one is responsible for communication between cells the other is used to stop or slow it down. Sometimes this complex system becomes out of control and causes a “glitch” in the electrical system of the brain – resulting in what is known as epilepsy.