
Patient Center Care: A Case Study

Decent Essays

There is no need in reinventing the wheel, and Iezzoni, DesRoches and Vogeli (2012) could not use a better description of what is patient center care. In essence, they describe the shift to patient care as a “movement towards collaborative care, empathic listening, shared decision making, and culturally competent care that reflect a growing understanding of the potentially therapeutic implications of patient-physician communication” (Iezzoni, DesRoches and Vogeli, 2012 pg. 384). However, hospital life does not always allow the time for this relationship to run its course for many reasons. Therefore, as a member of the hospital leadership team, I would encourage disclosure of medical errors by implementing an error disclosure training, promoting …show more content…

The reason may be of moral nature, “I don’t care, I was doing my job.” It may also be of legal nature, “I am afraid I will be sued.” A great deal agrees that it could be a lack of education, “I did not know what to say.” In fact, according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ] (2016), the persistence of low disclosure rate is due to lack of formal education on how to discuss errors with patients. In essence, physicians feel unclear on how to explain the mistake, and evidence shows that formal training in error can increase comfort in having these conversations (AHRQ, 2016). According to Chamberlain et al. (2012), disclosure starts with the consent process, and it should prepare patients and families to have a conversation if medical errors due arise. Therefore, as a member of the hospital, I would implement formal disclosure of medical error training for all healthcare providers that teaches them how to disclose information about an error by gathering facts, reviewing the event, and preparing but not over preparing to communicate the error (Chamberlain et al., 2012). Furthermore, I would encourage and teach the value of reporting and its impact on quality improvement. Reporting medical error, whether harmful or non-harmful does not only benefit the patient and physician, but it encourages a culture of quality improvement. Needless to say, who wants to experience over and over the death of a patient due to an error and not learn from it? Therefore, understanding why and how the error occurred can avoid similar errors in the future (Chamberlain et al.,

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