
Patient Consent In Health Care

Decent Essays

We continue to look at the legal considerations around patient consent in healthcare.
Prior consent we should consider confidentiality. Confidentiality is the bedrock of trust upon which information can be freely and securely exchanged within a practice protected by law. The Human Rights Act, which encompassed the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law, recognizes the importance of confidentiality under Article 8 of the Convention, that everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.

There are tremendous public awareness, sensitivity and growing scrutiny across both private and public departments today particularly in health care practice in maintaining patient confidentiality. …show more content…

Patients are not obliged to undergo treatment because a healthcare professional feels it appropriate or considers he is acting in the best interests of his patient by treating him/her. Respect for individual's autonomy and the right to consent to or decline treatment are now generally accepted as important values in health care. Which was accredited in 1991 in the patient’s Charter. This gave people the right to have any anticipated treatment, including knowing any form of risk involved in the treatment and any alternatives, plainly explained to them as they retain the right to choose whether or not to have their bodily integrity interfered with, or damaged by others. Failure to gain consent is regarded in law as Trespass against the person and in breach of accountability under the NMC standard of conduct. If a patient is touched by a healthcare professional without consent, this constitutes a crime of battery in English law (Mason & Laurie, 2010). If a patient claims that he/she has not been sufficiently informed about the risks inherent in a treatment and alternatives to the treatment then liability does not lie in battery but rather in negligence. Battery refers to any non-consensual touching even if it does not harm the

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