
Patient Moment Essay

Decent Essays

1. Hi! Patient smiles at me as I approach him. Social greeting. Patient is lying on bed. 2. How are you feeling today? Trying to start the conversation. (Patient looks down with his hands crossed behind his head) Hi! How is your day going? 3. I just want to go home… I have been here for a while. Expressing her feelings. Rubbing his hair with both hands. 4. It must be hard for you to be away from home! (turns head toward me and pauses) Trying to translate words into feeling. (Yes, it is hard) It must be frustrating to be away from your home! 5. I have a lot to do there, usually I do my lawn and other things around my house, Patient looks down, face turned away. 6. It seems that you are worried about that! (Patient nodded his head) not much, but are things that I enjoy doing. Making observations of what I perceived. I notice that you are feeling worried about that! …show more content…

I thought that now that I retired, I was going to have some fun, but I got sick. Patients expressing sadness. Patient is staring straight with no facial expression. 8. Can you tell me more about that? (Patient wants to sit on the chair next to bed) I want the patient communicate why she is feeling sad. (I maintain eye contact after he sat down to encourage further communication) Oh. tell me a lit bit more 9. I love to go camping with my wife to a beautiful lake, but now with my illness all my plans are gone. Patient is disappointed and frustrated for not being able to have “fun” camping with his wife. 10. This might be very difficult for you not to be able to perform your plans with your wife. Exploring how the patient feels It must be hard for you not being able to do your

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