
Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act Case Analysis

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The purpose of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Affordable Care Act (ACA) is to provide more affordable and equitable care to all families and lower the uninsured rate by expanding coverage of insurance while reducing costs. This federal statute was enacted by President Barack Obama on March 23rd, 2010. The Marketplace is where people who are not already insured through the Medicaid, Medicare, or their company insurance can get quotes for health insurance coverage at a lower rate.
Timeline of Development
In March of 2010 the Affordable Care Act was implemented by the President Obama. Insurance companies were no longer allowed to decline coverage to children with pre-existing conditions nor drop a person for …show more content…

Discriminatory actions were also required to be reported, this could be based on any racial, ethnic, and language differences. The goal was to collect data to help recognize and decrease disparities among minority patients (The Affordable Care Act Timeline , n.d.). Electronic recordkeeping was implemented to reduce paperwork, medical errors, cost and to insure that all private patient information was staying private and confidential. (The Affordable Care Act Timeline , n.d.).
In 2013 Medicaid programs offered more low cost preventative care programs for patients with the expansion of their funding.
The Affordable Insurance Exchange opened in 2014 to provide the uninsured with options to buy insurance directly from the Exchange (The Affordable Care Act Timeline , n.d.). People that could afford health insurance coverage would be required to obtain the basic coverage or they are charged a fee to offset the costs of caring for the uninsured. Medicaid expansions saw to more families being covered than previous years. Caps were also place on new plans and excluded existing plans from capping limits on coverage by insurance companies (The Affordable Care Act Timeline , n.d.). Many families reported that being able to choose the level of care they would receive improved their overall perception of the ACA.
“The implications for the Affordable Care Act in reference to overall population of the United States would be care to prevent illness at no cost; reduced

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