
Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist

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The blazing hot spotlights flick on. The theatre is silent, allowing me to hear the pounding of my heart. Heat radiating off of the light panels warms my face. I grin from ear to ear and whisper to myself, “I will remember this.” It was the friday night show of the orchesis concert, Mrs. Good had sat us down to tell us a story about a past student. Her student, Margaret, loved performing and lived for the rush of adrenaline when she stepped foot on stage. During her senior show, she whispered to herself, “I will remember this.” Fast forward three years, Margaret was walking through the quad of her college campus, the sun peered out behind the clouds and the angle the the sun hit her face brought back a rush of emotions and memories. We were all told this because she wanted us to never forget the feeling we got when we performed. “If you are rushing through the dance moves or caught up in the moment, pause and breathe, remember why you are on the stage in the first …show more content…

The novel, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho talked about the secret to happiness and how to achieve a happy life. Coelho wrote about a young boy who wished to hear the secret to happiness from the wisest man in the world. When the boy met the man, he told the boy to look around the palace and enjoy its marvels, but he also had to hold a spoon of oil and not let the oil spill. He sent the boy away and when he came back, the oil was in the spoon, but he hadn't noticed any marvels. The wise man, who was seemingly disappointed in the boy, told the boy, “The secret to happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon,” (35). In order to be truly happy, you have to stop and enjoy the little things, but never forget about the important things in life. The secret to life is to be happy and to be happy, you have to enjoy every little aspect life has to

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