
Pcr Lab Analyzing The Alu Pv92 Genetic Sequence

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PCR Lab Analyzing the Alu-PV92 Genetic Sequence

Author: Thomas Fasano

I hypothesize that there will be a strong deviation between the genotype frequencies of the two lab sections combined and that of the US. This experiment consisted of 26 individuals, of varying ethnical backgrounds, ages, and genders, who amplified their own DNA through the use of PCR. Their DNA was examined for the presence [(+/+) or (+/-)] or absence [(-/-)] of the Alu insertion through the use of gel electrophoresis.
Based on the hypothesis, the objective of this experiment is to prepare and perform a polymerase chain reaction to determine the amount of students between the two lab sections that present at least one copy of the Alu allele in the genome and compare this number to that of the U.S.
Using the results, it was possible to determine that the FBBS class data had genotype frequencies that strongly differed from those of the USA sample. Using this information, we were also able to determine that more than half of the FBBS class expressed the presence of the Alu insertion in their genome. This further agrees with the USA sample data, as the presence of the Alu insertion was expressed in about three-fourths of the sample population.

The Alu sequences epitomize the largest family of repetitive elements found in humans with over 5000 copies found in each genome1. They are widely considered to be a strong source of genetic variation, even possibly being the

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