
Pediatrician Goals

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At the age of ten, you set a goal for yourself. You decide you want to be a pediatrician you tell yourself I will be all I set out to be no matter the obstacles I will face. Keep in mind you are only 10 years old so you don't fully understand all the struggles you may truly face. Imagine this you started a journey towards your life long dream career. You start your first year of college and realize it may just not be for you after all. The dream you once had may seem to be falling apart. Your grades are slipping and you are falling into a funk. You start to wonder is this even for me? Should I even be doing this? Is this worth my time or my money? Every bad question you could ask yourself starts running through your mind. Perhaps you can do …show more content…

You know that no matter what you will use the skills necessary to get back to the right path. For example being a pediatrician requires that you for one that you be good with kids since most of you patients will be children 18 years and under. Let's just say at the age of 16 you are a sophomore in high school. You decide it's time to maybe get a job as a babysitter to test out how you interact with children. Remembering that this is a key skill you will need to be a pediatrician. You begin babysitting your next door neighbors children. A few weeks before you begin your actual first day watching the children you decide to prepare yourself by going on to the web and researching what it may be like. You come across tons of information and you soon realize that you don't know very much about babysitting. Your first day on the job finally arrives and as you walk down the sidewalk towards your neighbor's house you start getting nervous and think about canceling but you push through and babysit anyways. The end of the night approaches and its time to get back home. Once back you sit at the edge of the bed and look back at how the night with the children you realize things went tremendously great and the children loved you. The parents even asked that you return and if they could recommend you to some of …show more content…

You finally make to your senior year of high school days away from graduation you receive word you've been accepted into the college of your dreams. Next fall you will begin classes. Since you have the summer off you figure this will be a great time to do some soul searching to figure out if all the work you have down towards becoming a pediatrician is what you want. During these three months of soul searching, You meet a few new friends and even start dating. You meet a guy who happened to be the star of your high school football team. You to hit it off instantly and you discover he will be attending the same college as you next fall. He is on a full ride scholarship to play football at the college. Since he trains most of the summer you still have time to figure exactly what you want out. Just weeks before school and football season starts your new love admits he has been using performance enhancing drugs. Leaving with tons of questions like. Why? How? and who else knows. You've spent each year since you were ten years old dreaming about the day you become a pediatrician and now you must live with this secret of another person that could potentially ruin their future and career. This big of thing is hard to keep without wanting to bite your hand

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