
Peer Pressure In Romeo And Juliet

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In the article “Teenagers, Friends and Bad Decisions”, scientists concluded the effects of peer pressure on teenagers and adults, and the differences between the reactions of a teen and an adult to such situations. Similar research on age was published in the article, “The Teen Brain: Behavior, Problem Solving, and Decision Making” in which the importance of the amygdalae and frontal cortexes was researched. In Romeo and Juliet, a Shakespearean tragedy, young Romeo makes foolhardy decisions as a result of his peers’ influence on him, and his young age. The same research on age was conducted by researching the amygdalae and frontal cortexes. Throughout this great tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, children to the clashing Montague and Capulet families, …show more content…

His tendency to be around his best friends can be an impactful reason for the way he acts. As Romeo weeps over his heart-break, Benvolio consoles him by explaining, “One desperate grief cures with another’s languish. Take thou some new infection to thy eye, And the rank poison of the old will die” (1.2.47-50). Romeo is currently facing serious depression due to his heart being broken by Rosalyn, and refuses to see another girl, or even live. To ease the depression, Benvolio pressurizes Romeo to see another girl, ultimately to see Romeo be happy once again. The same effects of peer pressure can be seen through the research conducted by Dr. Steinberg at Temple University, in which she stated, “The presence of peers activated the reward circuitry in the brain of adolescents that it didn’t do in the case of adults.” Her conclusions were that teens generally went out of their way to project their best image, if they found that were being observed by their own peers. Dr. Steinberg’s research shows us that as teens, we are more prone to being influenced by others compared to adults, consequently making a huge impact on the type of decisions we make. Hence, Romeo’s yielding to his peer’s pressure is a major cause for his impulsive nature and the rash decisions he

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