Hi Joana, I agree with the other student’s response, your peer review is in fact very well organized. I like the main idea of your essay and feel that you already have a great theisis planned out. “Miss Representation” has a lot of supporting details that you can use to help support your claims. I also strongly support your statement regarding women and beauty. I agree that women have a lot more going for themselves other than their looks and can succeed in anything that a man can do .Lastly i like the idea that you directed some of the statistics that were used on the documentary. This is really eye opening and really exposes the truth behind how media is affecting women . Overall, your peer review is great and I am looking forward to reading
In Miss Representation, many female actresses, news anchors, politicians, directors and producers talk about how females suffer a lot of social, political and economic inequalities in today’s society. There are double standards against women in magazines, on TV, in movies, the news, politics, and the workplace. The media is an influential part of modern culture. When women are portrayed as objects for men to use -- never as the protagonist or president -- and when female news anchors are objectified, this will cause girls of all ages to begin viewing themselves as objects. Girls grow up in a world where their voice does not count; where our culture does not embrace them in all of their diversities, where
The Netflix documentary Miss Representation by Jennifer Siebel Newsom explores how the media contributes to influence the young girls and boys in America. Every day in America we are showed this unrealistic look of what the so-called perfect image of women is supposed to be from the TV shows we watch, the movies we see, to the magazines we read, to the online social media outlets we visit. This documentary shows the negative effects it's having on teenage boys and girls in America, Miss Representation interweaves between the stories of teenage girls, telling their own experiences and how the media has portrayed the image of women to them. They share their stories from pressures they feel they have to live up too from how the media shows them
Criticism of the three videos given to watch show feminist and gender criticism. While different forms of critics’ transition and can be found in each video. The videos give insight on these few forms of criticisms.
My topic is how my view changed after watching a video about Sojourner Truth reenacted by Kerry Washington. The video was called “Ain’t I a Woman” and how women weren’t treated equally like men
Question 2: Discuss how representations of individuals or groups in a studied text have shaped your understanding of a social issue. According to the documentary, Australian society is based upon the theory of many racial groups and cultures being perceived and represented poorly by Australians based on their looks and racial features, therefore we need to reflect on how truly ‘multicultural’ our nation is and if everyone is treated equally and with equal respect. Change my Race, is a 2013 global documentary directed by Julia Redwood and Rhian Skirving, journeying through the controversial matter of Asian-Australians going through plastic surgery to change their looks, Asian Australian community is represented to be weak to the Western Orientalism
The documentary focuses on the downgrading and expectations of people in the world. I, as a person believe that men are not the only ones who downgrade women, other women do the same. It does not matter of someone’s gender, anyone will still put someone else down. It is the expectations society has placed. Something I have been thinking over for the past couple of days after I watched this film, was what is society really? It is an organized group of persons associated together for religious, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes, in other words, the people.
The topic that I have chosen to talk about is the Miss America Pageant Protest. This was a protest that occurred in 1969 in Atlantic City. This protest started off as a publicity stunt, so more individuals would tour the city. The pageant was divided into a couple of days of the week and each day their would be different events for women that were chosen to attend. This event was basically portraying that women had to be a certain way in order to compete or get the “Miss America” title. As time went on, feminist around the world gathered together to protest how unfair pageants were. They declared that pageants were only focused on physical characteristics of women, and if an individual didn’t meet the “requirements”, then they wouldn’t qualify
To begin with this essay, I will be focusing on two pieces of media. I had recently read a book named "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne and watched a movie called "Easy A". People say that Easy A is a good portrayal of The Scarlet Letter. Don 't get me wrong, the movie shares some of the same themes and the movie is influenced by the book, but in reality, Easy A is not a good portrayal of The Scarlet Letter.
1. I like this because it has thesis statement, strong three supporting details, and reliable evidence. This essay is very effective that state his position strongly, “it is their social responsibility to avoid stereotyping ethnic characters because they are harming society by exploiting racial stereotypes, undermining ethnic groups, and the fact that they are very influential.” The writer express his opinion well in this essay, especially, I liked he used the statistic facts to provide the evidence of how much Hollywood is influential to people.
Congrats on completing your D2! I enjoyed reading your essay. I believe the question/puzzle your essay is trying to answer is how to fix the gender depiction in Ex Machina. The existing conversation among scholars is that the movie is sexist and portrays women in a negative light. I think this is an interesting question to ask. Your essay has a clear “they say—I ask” thought movie. I was able to see that the scholars see an issue with gender in the movie, and then you ask what can be done to fix it. The paper will provide us ways to solve the sexism in the film.
This is a reflection of my essay from module four where we did a peer review and feedback on our essay. I found this to be a really helpful and great assignment. It gave us an opportunity to have a peer doing the same type of essay give an outside view point. The feedback that I took into consideration from my peer was very valuable. I did not have a strong enough opposing viewpoint providing a negative view on censorship or a positive view of free speech. This was very good feedback and I feel that my peer definitely took the time to break down my essay and gave a great review. This was such an important part of the persuasive essay that the need to make sure I had a strong counter argument was important.
in the way women are portrayed in modern culture and society. The documentary forces us to
The biggest challenge while researching and writing this paper was strictly presenting scholastic and objective arguments in order to avoid bias and reduce critics’ opportunity to discredit or delegitimize my work, especially those who oppose feminism. Presenting a rebuttal statement and then counteracting it with more critical arguments of how that specific repudiation is problematic, acknowledges critical audiences’ concerns while remaining adamantly strong in my stance. I was conscious to pay the respected attention to detail when selecting rhetoric language as it conveys the appropriated tone and mood of the paper to the reader as it represents the film. Just as typical research papers require, my primary source, The Little Mermaid, is immediately and easily identifiable within the paper, and unlike most scholarly works, the analyzed topic is the primary source itself. However, the problematic dynamics the film presents based on the sexist theme it poses, may be too broad and largely based without adequately supportive and specified examples from the film. This was another one of the concerns I had when I first began to construct my paper because there were so many different examples of female
Choose three different popular culture artifacts (primary sources) that reflect the identity you’ve chosen for your essay. For instance, if I were analyzing portrayals of female college professors in movies, I’d pick for my artifacts three movies that portray female college professors (I’d choose the best three, the ones that seemed most interesting, revealing, or perplexing, out of a search of many). Apply the following “moves” to each of your artifacts. Please include a URL address or hyperlink to each of your artifacts, if possible.
women that sends the wrong message to young girls and boys. After watching this documentary,