
Peers Pressure In Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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Peers Pressure If your friend jumps off of a cliff are you going to do it too?” How many times have you heard those lines? Peers pressure people no matter what age. People make decisions based on the influences around them. In the story of Macbeth a faithful helper of the king became corrupt and killed the king in order to obtain his own destiny of becoming king as well as killing off anyone else who might threaten his position; however he didn’t do it alone. Influences and pressures of the people around him were assets to why he did the things he did. So the question remains, who is in control? The first influence in Macbeth’s life is the three witch sisters that he runs into on his walk with Banquo. Their statements about him becoming a king and all of these sought after positions in the community got into his head. He believed that they were a type of prophets when their words soon became true. He began to believe everything that they said and he was now taking action to make sure that everything happened the way he wanted it to. His thoughts really got “into his head”. His actions became influenced by the words that continuously fell from their lips in the two times …show more content…

Macbeth questioned if he wanted to follow through with the murder of King Duncan and almost did not proceed with the task but with the whispers of his wife in his ear and her clever mind for the after effect the task was completed. Macbeth probably would not have killed the king should it not have been for his wife, however he trusted her to be on his side and help him. Once it was all over and Macbeth was on top his wife soon got her taste of her own medicine. When she began to envision the blood of Duncan on her hands and that she couldn’t get it off with washing it she committed suicide and left Macbeth to fend for himself, which was not a problem being that he did not feel guilty for any of

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