
People Think Representatives Should Respond : Their District Or The Country

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Democracy The author, David Doherty, in this article, “To Whom Do People Think Representatives Should Respond: Their District or the Country”, attempts to understand whether voters recognize the incentives in a representative democracy and reward legislators for prioritizing district preferences over the nations. In order to answer this question, the author performs two experiments by asking participants to examine legislators who supported or opposed a certain bill. By understanding people’s responses, political scientists are able to evaluate whether the accountability principle is constant with the mechanism built into Congress by the Constitution. Furthermore, from this study, political scientists are able to examine whether voters …show more content…

Moreover, legislators were randomly assigned to vote with their district or the broader public. At the end, participants had to decide whom the representatives should answer too, the nation or the district. Furthermore, the second experiment featured all the characteristics the first one had; however, it furthered the analysis to help test the last two hypotheses. In addition to, the participants were introduced with legislators representing the state of Missouri or the participant’s own state. After reading the information, all the participants in the second experiment were asked about their standpoint of the bill and their evaluation of the representatives. Finally, within both studies, the evaluations the participants made were measured on a scale from 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent) for the farm subsidy bill, and 0 to 10 for the nuclear energy. Essentially, the author found statistically significant and substantial evidence that supported all three of his hypotheses. For the first hypothesis, in the Farm subsidy study, participants viewed legislators whom sided with their district 3.69 units more favorable than those whom did not, while in the Nuclear Energy study, the comparable effect was 1.69 units (246). On the second hypothesis highlighted in the nuclear study, the support for the legislators were 0.83 when they were presented as from the participants own state, while the

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