
Perelandra Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Interpretation of narrator in Perelandra
First paragraph
Many interpretations can be described towards such a character C S Lewis chooses to use in Perelandra. I however believe the author characterizes the narrator as extremely worried for himself and what is yet to come.

To give the illusion of a worried character the author choose to let the narrator build a conflict with himself while contemplating whether he is mad or not. In the first paragraph the narrator thinks, “…it’s not true…that people who are really going mad never think they’re going mad.”, which makes us realize the narrator has seen madness and darkness within himself and by mentioning “the beech trees” and “…their horrible expectancy…” we realize he’s worried for the darkness’ …show more content…

To describe this the narrator frequently speaks about the dark and “blackout time”. I interpret the narrator mentioning that, “we have all known times when inanimate objects seemed to have almost a facial expression” as him being scared of not the dark but the demons he has seen before. However all these symbols of madness the narrator passes on the way to the cottage I see as something the narrator has already been through. It is the cottage that symbolizes the madness he’s about to fall into. Nothing seems to be well with the cottage since the narrator describes it as “very well blacked out” which I interpret as a dark symbol for the mad sickness waiting. One that has been through a sickness will know that it’s very hard to avoid. It could feel as if the sickness is dragging you into it until you are truly stuck. And we can find this happening with the narrator when he says “…, I can’t really describe how I reached the front door…”. It sounds as if a force, maybe the force of the sickness, was leading him forward. I would also like to point out the very last line, “…, I found myself inside and let it slam behind me.” , since I believe this shows the narrator falling into the sickness and as the door slams behind him there is no going

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