
Perfection Is Not Perfect

Decent Essays

When Perfection Is Not Perfect

The media including television, magazines, and the internet has a colossal impact on the public; the media informs people what to wear, what to buy, and how to look. Knowing that the public is extremely impressionable, companies target unsuspecting men and women with images tempting them to achieve weight loss and to create the perfect body at an extremely quick rate with little to no effort. These fad diets offer the allure of quick weight loss, but the results can be harmful. Informing someone of how he or she should appear seems innocent enough, but suggesting what fad diet one should be on can cause harm to the person’s health, mental well-being or appearance.
The skin and hair will show the first adverse results of the Alkaline Diet. It is a confirmed fact that the skin will become dull and less supple as a result of the imbalanced nutrition and inadequate vitamins and minerals that a fad diet …show more content…

Foods such as grapes, wheat bread, beef meat, and milk support the prevention of many chronic conditions. For example; due to the severely improper food consumption of the Master Cleanse Diet, a person will develop brittle bones or heart disease. Alyssa, a young woman who was enticed by the glamour and perfection promised by a fad diet, was informed by her physician that due to her diet she had developed brittle bones. Specifically, the early onset of osteoporosis, which causes the bones to become fragile and easily fracture or break is now something Alyssa must struggle against. Savanah was another victim of the promises the Master Cleanse Diet. As of result of her deprived nutrition, per instruction of the fad diet, the blood flow to her heart was impaired, therefore, causing her to have congestive heart failure and cardiac

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