
Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED) On Athletes

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The cause and effects of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PED) on athletes According to Drug Free Sport, a performance enhancing drug is any substance taken by athletes to improve performance (2013). There a few substances used to improve performance, including human growth hormone (hGH), stimulants and diuretics. The most common and popular substance used for improved performance by athletes is anabolic steroids. Many professional and amateur athletes use performance enhancing drugs to unethically boost their performance without considering the detrimental effects on their body. Lincoln Allison, DLitt stated, “The estimate of a former professional is that at least 30% of US major-league football players are taking steroids; most people say that the figure is much higher.” In other words, athletes are willing to exchange a long healthy life for a short successful career. …show more content…

Athletes are tempted to use performance enhancement drugs to heighten their abilities in the performance of their sport. Which often consists of illegal or unethical use of these substances. Some reasons for the justification of their actions is to attain lucrative contracts, fame, and fortune. “It is the seduction of the quick fix—an immediacy to attain success—that drives so many people,” (Annie Hiyashi). Sometimes, it is the fear of losing it all that drives them to experiment with PED’s, not thinking that if caught, it will tarnish their reputation and will lose fame and

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