
Pericles Speech During The Peloponnesian War

Decent Essays

During the first phase of the Peloponnesian War, Pericles was selected to make a speech to honor those who had lost their lives in battle. His famous funeral oration covered many topics, such as democracy, freedom, courage, and most of all the glory of Athens. This is best summed up in the thesis of the speech, where Pericles encourages Athenians to realize how great Athens is and fall in love with her. Pericles insists, “When you realize her greatness, then reflect that what made her great was men with a spirit of adventure, men who knew their duty, and men who were ashamed to fall below a certain standard.” However, much of what Pericles states is not the full truth of what happened during the war. In his speech, Pericles exaggerates Athens’ military power, society, and overall greatness, often contradicting himself in the process. …show more content…

At the time of the oration, Athens was in the first phase of the Peloponnesian war, and both opposing forces were at a stalemate. One side would win a battle and then lose one right after. Despite this, Pericles depicted Athens as having the upper hand in the war and continued to praise Athens for its greatness. This is best seen through statements such as “We do not rely on secret weapons,” and how they do not need help in winning their battles. These statements give Athenians baseless morale, as in reality, neither side in the war was

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